Xcode in windows pc

Hello! I have windows pc and an iphone, I want to develop apps and use xcode... Please help me on that and what should I do

Thank YOU !

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of Harshk_915 Down vote post of Harshk_915


Xcode requires a Mac/macOS.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of KMT Down vote reply of KMT

you can't

Hi! You might check out the following video from Code with Chris; I'm in the same boat--looking for a solution!



That video advocates (among other things) running OS X in a virtual machine. I thought that was against the OS X terms of service.

It is unless you are running it in a virtual machine on a Mac (which is not a solution for the poster).

You can't officially run macOS (and by extension Xcode) on non-Apple hardware. If you do, you basically are going rogue. If you plan on developing for the platform officially (submitting apps to the App Stores) I recommend you invest in a Mac. Maybe you'll get away with it by running macOS on a virtual machine, maybe you won't. Maybe they will notice that you are not on Mac and turn a blind eye, but then again, maybe they won't. If Apple chooses to enforce its rules, they may kick you out of the dev program and you will have wasted your time.

So yeah...the answer is this...technically you can run macOS on non-Apple hardware but you are violating Apple's terms of service. I think I remember someone telling me in some countries Apple's terms of service may not be enforceable on this, but I don't know if that's true or not. Interestingly I recently read a blog post by a well known dev that built himself a Hackintosh, not sure if its being used a development machine or was just for fun.

Macs are expensive, but if you want to develop on Apple platforms you kind of have to s u c k it up and buy one.

You can use phonegap such a cross-platform development tools, you can directly develop iOS iOS iOS, after the shelves can use a tool Appuploader, can help you directly on the Windows system iOS iOS App Store, I was the development of such shelves, And the tool Appuploader can be used free of charge, great, hope can help you.The whole process does not require Mac

You can use VisualStudio Dev on Window, i saw them released a Kit supporting for IOS and Android device- I think if you earn enough money, you should buy Mac laptop, which is easily compable with IOS devices

Forget Xcode use xamarin
i suggest a jailbreak
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I am facing so many issues with the XCode, Can anybody help with the alternative.

You should download Swift from https://www.swift.org/download/ and use it on VS code. I think it can be a solution or not. If you are damp sure to make apps using Xcode you should purchase a Mac.

  • visual studio 2022 now allows you to debug on an iphone, but you still need a developer account and program membership ~$100 I don't code professionally anymore and was looking for a free option.

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xcode is an apple application supported on macOs and on all Apple systems.

But, by bypassing the system you can make a VM on windows and put xcode on your virtual machine

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Xcode is supported only on macOS so you can't

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Check this site, It will help you better

