Barcode Scanner and write to Excel

Hi everyone, is it possible to program an app in xcode that scans a barcode and then write information into an excel document in hidrive?

  • Scanning the barcode is the easy task. Do you want to write to an existing document (where in doc ? - Excel files format is really complex) or create a new one. You could write to a file (in SYLK format for instance) and import this in Excel doc.

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I want to write to an existing excel document stored in web (Hidrive). I want to use it as an inventory app.

If i get a barcode reader working, you said its the easy part, and i have the plain text how could i send information to excel?

Would it maybe be possible with Data Streamer Add In?

You should read this old thread, which confirms what I told you: writing directly to an Excel file is overly complex. Not advised to try…

However, here is a parser

or code to modify an empty file