Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey

Since the last update (21A5534d), my MacBook doesn't detect my 2nd display. I've tried swapping the display with a new one and trying different connection methods. My MacBook's built-in display goes black for a moment when I attach the cable, but nothing else happens.

I seem to remember that the System Preferences > Displays used to have an option for manually detecting a display, but it doesn't appear to be there any more.

I hope I'm not the only person experiencing this.

WORKAROUND. Yes, this sounds dumb but this worked for me. Unplug the display, wait the standard 10-15 seconds and plug it back in. Amazing how after ten months of complaints and knowing this is an issue Apple still refuses to fix it. Even worse is how buttons and options are always hidden unless you know the special key to press and hold on your keyboard.

How does Windows get it right while Apple can't seem to anymore? Maybe they should just switch to being a phone company.

I had this issue as well, but resolved it as follows: My Mac mini uses USB-C to connect a device with 2 HDMI ports. Each of these connect to a monitor. I tried everything I read in this article and the comments, to no avail.

What worked for me was swapping out the cable positions on the device. Left>right, right>left. Worked perfectly and my Mac mini recognized both of my monitors.

Hope this helps someone.

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I'm on a brand new MacBook Air (on Monterey 12.5.1) and cannot detect my external monitor.

Another user with the same problem. I upgraded to Monterey last week and I am no longer able to connect to an external display. This was never a problem before. Using a USB-C cable I am still able to charge my Macbook Pro from 2019 but no signal is sent to the monitor. I have tried all the suggested fixes with no success.

Hi, just have a new macbook air with Monterey. bought sate chi hub to connect with thunderbolt my external apple mac screen. nothing is working, tried switch on and off etc. stays black. anyone any suggestions?also the button when you hold the option key, to detect displays is not working,. with add display it sees my two mac mini's , with tv's but do not want to connect these...anyone know what to do?—  thebark20230 less than a minute ago 

Still happening here and it's unpredictable. I took my Macmini into the Genius Bar and both displays worked. I brought it home and both my LG monitors worked fine for a day. When the monitor I plugged into the HDMI port of the Macmini quit again I plugged a Viewsonic monitor into it and it worked. This worked for over a week and now the HDMI port of the Macmini is once again not sending a signal to the monitor. I tried plugging the Viewsonic into it again and this time the Viewsonic would not come on either.

same problem here with a macbook pro and a lg monitor. what a joke.

Hi Guys, it happened to me this morning and previously a few weeks ago after the Monterey update. I solved it by simply resetting the external monitor settings. I can't explain why but it worked for me

Brand new today M2 MacBook Air; was working great then I updated to 12.6. Came back up and no 2nd display detected (4K LG).

-unplug USB C -unplug monitor from power -plug in USB C -plug in monitor power

Came right back up. I was panicking for minute.

Infuriating. I bought a $2000 dollar piece of garbage (macbook pro 14 M1) that does not allow me to do my job. The school I work in is underfunded and a bit out of date. All rooms have EPSON projectors, but with VGA connectors. I bought an HDMI to VGA adapter, but all I get is a flickering macbook screen and nothing else. Projector use is critical to my job and I look like an ***** Apple user when everyone else with a $500 laptop can use the projectors. This problem is a huge let down. An even bigger concern is after looking through this forum, no responses form @apple, just a bunch of people floundering around trying to get their expensive equipment to do the most basic functions. Ridiculous.

Same problem... First real problem since 10y I have had with a mac. Please correct this!

@havoc164 your workaround worked until yesterday for me... but not anymore. The first big problem I have with a mac in 10y. Please @apple , do something!

I have the same issue. MacBook Pro 15 2018 - running Monterey 12.6. Please send a fix ASAP!

this have also worked for me

I am having the same issue. I have a 16" 2019 MacBook Pro with a AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB. Clearly, the card is enough to drive two monitors, a 27" LG UltraFine Display and a 27" Apple Thunderbolt Display (with Thunderbolt 2 to 3 Apple adapter). I also use a Logitech G305 mouse, which utilizes one of the Thunderbolt ports. If all three are plugged in and I close the clamshell, only one monitor displays. I then have to open the clamshell, unplug all thunderbolts. Then close the clamshell, plug one device in at a time - sometimes it requires me to restart for things to work. This has been common since I upgraded to Monterey a month ago. Prior to this, all just worked.

Guys, it is cable issue. I tried two original Mac 2m charging cables, second monitor was not detected although charging, keyboard, mouse worked. I tried two different cables (Not Mac original cgharging cables). Cables from my HP laptop, and secondary display was detected with both cables.

I have a similar issue. Got an i-tec docking station with two external monitors connected via DP. Using Thunderbolt 4 cable. Works with Lenovo, works with Dell, but obviously not with Apple. It's doing an external display but shows both of the displays as one thus showing the same exact thing on both of them. Please fix this!

Still no resolution for this? Come on @APPLE - get it together...this direct result of Monterey upgrade

I've been able to get monitor recognized when in safe mode but not otherwise.

I Have a Mac Pro M1 and was forced to upgrade to Monterrey 12.6.1 and after the upgrade my external monitors could not be detected. I am a software Engineer and this is affecting my work.

Hi there,

You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.

Same case, M1 Pro, last update has made me reboot every morning to be able to connect to a docking station . This is getting ridiculous .

Solved for me... I tried several of the methods below. I'm running two LG 5k displays from my iMac and for months only one would work. I tried upgraded to thunderbolt 4 chords and they came on after restart. I read in another forum that this worked for them and it worked for me. Some sort of software update I guess.

the cables I ordered ... hope this helps

It has been more than a year since the first post. This issue has been inherited from Monterey to Ventura, yet absolutely no reaction from @apple. I am so flabbergasted by the snobbishness of the apple in general. I'm sure they know how much we've invested.

Setup: two Dell P2412H monitors and Dell D6000 docking station.

I've experienced this issue intermittently, on MacOS Monterrey and Ventura, but also when using the same gear on a Windows laptop.

I tried disconnecting and reconnecting power cables and USB-C connectors in different orders with no luck.

What worked to my surprise was starting the Display Link Manager application ( That's it. Only starting this app brought my 2nd monitor back to life.

I'm also having this problem. My setup is Mac Studio 2022, OSX 12.6.2, 2x LG 4k displays connected via USB-C. Tried different cables, monitor settings, display settings and no luck. Do a reboot or a shut down, power on, my second screen doesn't power up, stays asleep. When the computer powers back up, to get second screen back, I unplug it from power, and plug back in and it works again. VERY frustrating, as doing a reboot remotely means I can't get my second monitor up and running. Will try the above software.

Can no longer detect 2nd display in MacOS Monterey