Outlook search not works in Monterey

I have a new MBP M1, with fresh Monterey. I moved my data with the assistant from the old MBP, I have all the letters in Outlook (v15.46), but search in Outlook not works, it gives a "No results found" message in all folders. Old methods for reindex Spotlight is not working (eg. add and remove Main Profile to Spotlight). How can I solve this problem? Thanks

I guys, i have this same exact issue. i'm on macOS 12.0.1 Microsoft outlook for mac 16.55 I do not see a toggle for new outlook, my hosting is a pop account.

Anyone got a this to work?

same problem here but finally found what works for me. I reindexed, I removed my account and added it again, I even migrated my laptop all over again and nothing. Finally what worked was instead of adding the "Main Profile" to the privacy list to reindex..I added the "Macintosh HD" to the privacy list, restarted my laptop, then went back to the privacy tab, removed "Macintosh HD" and then let my laptop sit for about an hour(make sure it doesn't turn off) and FINALLY FINALLY it works. I can search my emails on outlook. If you click on finder, on the list on the left under locations, right click on Macintosh HD "show enclosing folder" then you will see Macintosh HD with the disk image next to it. drag that to the privacy tab. Really hope this helps you all. I spent 2 long days trying to get this figured out. I am using MBPro 16" Monterey 12.0.1 16.55 version outlook. and I kept the old outlook, not the new one.

same problem here but finally found what works for me. I reindexed, I removed my account and added it again, I even migrated my laptop all over again and nothing. Finally what worked was instead of adding the "Main Profile" to the privacy list to reindex..I added the "Macintosh HD" to the privacy list, restarted my laptop, then went back to the privacy tab, removed "Macintosh HD" and then let my laptop sit for about an hour(make sure it doesn't turn off) and FINALLY FINALLY it works. I can search my emails on outlook. If you click on finder, on the list on the left under locations, right click on Macintosh HD "show enclosing folder" then you will see Macintosh HD with the disk image next to it. drag that to the privacy tab. Really hope this helps you all. I spent 2 long days trying to get this figured out. I am using MBPro 16" Monterey 12.0.1 16.55 version outlook. and I kept the old outlook, not the new one.

I ran into this same issue on a migration to a new MBP running Montery. I tried all the standard things, but the final fix for me was to reindex '~/Library/Group\ Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook\ 15\ Profiles/' using the spotlight privacy adding and removing. Worth a try if nothing else is working for you

Hello everybody, pls check ijose83's post, it solved the problem for me. Thanks a lot!

Uh oh....just did the Monterey 12.1 update this afternoon. The Outlook search problem is back....and I had just fixed it using ijose83's fix. I tried doing the ijose83 solution again, but to no avail. The search problem persists. Anyone smarter than me have any ideas? :)

Ugh. Same problem. Following.

I've tried all the re-indexing processes , even did a Mac OS re-install (but unfortunately it drops down 12.1 still) and none of these solutions work. Hopefully MS or Apple give us an update soon!

And ...New Outlook is not a solution , it is a mess in itself...the mind boggles that MS can make a version of Outlook that doesn't support exchange accounts never mind the "on computer" folders that are in effect the "PST's"

Same issue here. I setup my new 16" MBP M1 Max using target mode a few weeks ago and it worked fine. Setup another user using the same method and his indexing didn't work. Had to set the machine up from scratch for it to start working properly. We both ran the update today and now we're getting "No results". I did all of the suggestions from Microsoft and none of them work.

Yesterday I upgraded to Monterey 12.1 after which Outlook fails to search mail.

Im on the latest 12.1 Monterey and the latest version of Outlook V 16.56 (21121100) and my search has stopped working also as well as my smart folder which is supposed to show my flagged emails but now shows "No results"

The new macOS Monterrey 12.1 (21C52) broke the Spotlight search functionality in Outlook 16.56 (21121100). In the new Outlook UI, searching works perfectly fine in the new UI and so does Spotlight search via macOS. Spotlight does not work when it’s invoked from the old Outlook client for some reason (I’m not sure what systematic call fails.)

I suggest everyone to open a case with Outlook Support to receive more traction and visibility.

My problem was solved with 12.1 and switched on in Microsoft Outlook to the new layout.

I have the same issue. Using Outlook v 16.55 from Apple Store on both Exchange and 365 account. Search stopped working after upgrade to macOS 12.1. All was great in 12.0.1.

I have been in contact with microsoft support and these are their instructions moments ago. I'm currently doing the re-indexing

Thanks for letting us know. We'll need to re-install Outlook so that the Outlook search configurations for Spotlight search can be re-created.

Can you please download the Office 365 installer using the following link:


Then delete your "Microsoft Outlook" app from the /Applications folder. Your mailbox data files are stored at another location and will remain intact.

Make sure to empty your trash folder so that the "Microsoft Outlook" app is fully uninstalled.

Run the Office 365 installer that you downloaded.

Then please follow the steps below to re-index your Outlook Profile:

  1. Choose Apple menu -) System Preferences, then click Spotlight.

  2. Click the Privacy tab.

  3. In Finder:

a. On the Go menu click Go to Folder...

b. Copy and paste the following location into the "Go to the folder:" dialog box and click Go:

~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/

  1. Drag the ‘Main Profile’ folder to the Privacy tab. Once added, remove the folder from the same Privacy tab, and Spotlight will re-index the folder. Note: You must perform this step for any additional profile folders you may have.

See the following article from Apple to learn more: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201716

  1. Allow some time for the re-index, as this is happening in the background, with no visible indication and the duration depends on the amount of content.

A few hours should be about enough for a re-index and then try searching again.

Tried that yesterday , with no luck at all.

I'm having the same issue on my new MBP 14" using Monterey 12.1 and Outlook 16.55 Very frustrating, I've now spent days trying different things to fix this without any luck. This needs to be a HIGH priority for Apple and Microsoft to sort out quickly. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

How will Apple know this needs to be fixed?

Hello, i fix this problem on my Macbook Pro 14" but update Monterey 12.1 bring back this mega problem!!! i have this very expensive laptop for work and now i cant again working. Please @Apple fix this problem. Now is now not working any solutions.

I just update to Monterey 12.1 stable. The outlook search broke. None of the reindexing methods work either.

I even reinstalled Outlook and downloaded all 12 GB of my mail again. Still no success. I can't even work anymore. This is beyond frustrating!!

Same problem on my new MBP 14'' with outlook v.16.56

I have the same problem here. I fixed it with deleting the outlook from the Spotlight profile and let it rebuild which took a long time. Now after upgrading to 12.1 the index is broken again on bot MacBook Pro (one is an Intel Version one is the M1Max version). Any solution to that problem?

Downloaded the new OS Beta 12.2 Beta (21D5025f) that came out just now . Busy reindexing Spotlight (Moving Macintosh HD to Private then out in the spotlight preferences) and waiting the reindexing to complete. I do see some searches in outlook bringing results , so hopefully once the indexing is complete this may work..

These are the steps, I always repeat after migrating accounts to new machines to fix Outlook/Spotlight issues. Not my genius, just the extract of webhints and some trial and error. Since 10.14 I performed these steps successfully on a ton of Macs.

First steps: Ask Spotlight to re-register all installed search plugins. Kill dock (I don't know why, but it doesn't hurt and restarts immediately). Re-enable indexing.

Second steps: Delete Outlooks sqlite database, it will find out and rebuild. Start Outlook, it will perform a auto-repair. On large accounts, take care of available disk space before.

After these steps, Outlook/Spotlight will perform together again.

New on Monterey: Upgrade from 12.01 to 12.1. Outlook search broke again. Used the simple Spotlight privacy add/remove steps. Spotlight started indexing, Outlook search is working again.

These are the steps I use to fix the issue:

  1. Quit Microsoft Outlook!
  2. Perform these steps in the terminal (admin permissions needed):
sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -seed -lint -r -f -v -dump -domain local -domain system -domain user -domain network

killall Dock

sudo mdutil -E /
  1. Navigate to (replace "YOURPROFILE" with the profile name you need to fix, i.e. "Main profile"):
~/Library/Group\ Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook\ 15\ Profiles/YOURPROFILE/Data

and move the file "Outlook.sqlite" to the trash.

  1. Start Outlook. It reports, that it needs a reapir and starts rebuilding its database.

Wait upon completion, Outlook comes up again. Some patience needed, until Spotlight has finished indexing.

If Spotlight still doesn't love it (see notes above, 12.1 update), add YOURPROFILE to Spotlight privacy and remove it.

I use these steps as a common routine after migrating/upgrading Macs to fix the Outlook/Spotlight issue, nevertheless try at your own risk.

Edit: On large mail accounts, Outlook needs a while to rebuild. 100 GB may take an hour or more to finish, depending on the speed of your machine/disk. Show information of the YOURPROFILE folder, to get its size prior rebuilding. Be sure, there is enough disk space for a rebuilt. After completion, you should trash the backup copy.

Outlook search not works in Monterey