How to know if a user cancelled and resubscribed again after certain period ?

Hi, I was looking at the api documentation for the transaction history api.

And I want to understand, how do I know if the user cancelled the subscription and re-subscribed after some period ?

So our use case is we have some discrepancies in our subscription data. So we want to rebuild our whole subscription data using old transactions. So I want to know if any transaction was cancelled by user and user after some period (let;s day 3 months) resubscribed to the subscription. How do we know that there was a re-subscription ?

Please use original transaction id to follow the subscription journey, the original transaction id remains the same when the customer resubscribes to any in-app purchase within the same subscription group. You can then further look into the fields such as productid, originalPurchaseDate & purchaseDate.

Okay got it. But while going through the history, is there a way to identify, if any of the previous transactions were in the billing retry period ever ?

How to know if a user cancelled and resubscribed again after certain period ?