Xcode 13.2 - Internal error : Missing Package Description Module

Hi guys, just updated Xcode to 13.2 via Mac App Store.

I installed the additional components, and my project won't compile anymore : Xcode just tells me "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule - Resolving Package Graph Failed" when attempting to build. None of the Swift packages used within my app seems to build, because "Package resolution errors must be fixed before building".

Already attempted to clean derived data, reset Swift package caches and update package versions to no avail.

Guess I'll try re-installing Xcode but... does anyone else have the same issue ?

Using an M1 Mac and just updated to Monterey 12.1 if that's relevant.

Thank you !

Answered by DTS Engineer in 698777022

Xcode 13.2.1, released today, addresses this issue:

Resolved an issue where the Mac App Store version of Xcode failed during package resolution with the error Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModulewhen using Swift packages either standalone or as dependencies in an Xcode project or workspace. (86435800) (FB9807887)

This update is available through the Mac App Store, as well as a direct download on the Apple Developer website.

Same here. My setup is now just completely broken.

"Just redownload" would be a convenient solution... if Xcode wasn't so ridiculously large. It's larger than the entire OS. I actually had to free hard-drive space just to be able to download the update (wanna know the biggest thing I removed? Xcode caches! 12GB, including multiple GBs of "indexes" per Swift package) -- and even then, it took 4 (!!!) hours.

As a developer, I feel like Apple doesn't care about me, or value my time. If regular customers were seeing issues like this? It'd be a priority 1, show-stopping bug. But because it's only developers? Nobody cares. Get your act together, Apple! This is no way for any developer to treat their users -- even if those users are "only" other developers!

This was happening on macOS 11.6 (Why not 12.0? Because I updated, and it was also horribly broken; tap to click on the trackpad was broken, the cursor was jittery, and my WiFi became really dodgy).

I'm terribly disappointed. This feels like 1990s Microsoft - just disgustingly complacent across the board.

same with me. Please check and test before releasing a version to the user. If not please don't release . -_-

Also, why has this not been pulled from the AppStore when it is clearly broken and even the release notes acknowledge that?

Just. Seriously. 🤦‍♂️

What is even going on?!

Same issue here, Xcode 13.2 on Monterey 12.0.1.

Apple how so? Don't you have testers? Why does the IDE perform worse with every update?

Same issue here :(

Facing the same issue. I just finished updating to Xcode 13.2 from the App Store and now I can't compile my project. 13.2 RC was working fine - but, I deleted it thinking the App Store version would be the same. Apparently not.

I'm now left with having to re-download Xcode 13.2 from releases, on a 4Mbit line. I.e., my work day is done before it has even began. I also need to explain the loss of the work day to my employer.

Thanks Apple for:

  • not testing your releases
  • thinking that everybody around the world is on a 200Gbps FTTH line.

I want to know the reason. The build number downloaded from developer.apple.com is the same as the one downloaded from Appstore. What factors cause Appstore to cause this problem? In other words, when a new version of Xcode is released to the Appstore, does Apple not conduct self-tests?

Been downloading from developer.apple.com for 2.5 hours now, download speed is constantly dropping - from 3MB/s, to 1.5MB/s, to 900KB/s, to 850KB/s. I guess the servers are getting hammered. Still 1.5 hours to go, if it retains it's current speed (which I very much doubt).

Basically, no work can be done today.

But we still have deadlines, and customers who depend on us. That means people are likely going to have to come in this weekend - the last weekend before Christmas - to get things finished.

I'm beyond disgusted.

Same problem with 2020 m1 macbookpro

I have the same issue... In my case, half the dependencies were in Cocoapods, the other half in SPM, so I just moved all dependencies to Cocoapods and it works now...

I have the same issue with the AppStore Version.

Same issue here!!

Yes, same issue here!

Jesus cry, it broke my project for latest update Xcode 13.2 on macOS Monterey 12.1

To fix!!!!

  1. Remove Xcode 13.2 (that was installed from AppStore)
  2. Download and install Xcode 13.2 from https://developer.apple.com/download/release/

This resolve broken Swift Packages issue for me!!

Same issue.

I re-installed 13.2 RC and It worked well! 5hours later though, It happened again!!!!! Should I re-install again and again every 5hours???

Swift Packages - Problem

  • AppStore Version has a problem when used on projects that use Swift packages,
  • It throws the error Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule



  • In case you download from Developer portal and delete the old Xcode, you might need to add the Git and Apple accounts.
  • Otherwise you wouldn't be able to add packages / re-fetch packages

I'm sure the devs working on this module are panicking right now, might as well add a shout-out to them for how nice SPM normally is.

Same issue, not M1.

Downloading Xcode from Developer account is wasting of time. It's exactly the same build level as the version from the App Store (13C90). Knowing the speed of fixing bugs with Xcode, better downgrade to the version 13.1

Is it viable to use Microsoft's Visual Studio instead of relying on Xcode?

I have the same issue with Xcode 13.2 from the App Store, on M1 Pro and Intel MBP. Xcode won't show build destinations for Swift packages and won't build them. Can't select any targets inside Swift packages.

Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule

The same Xcode version (13C90) from https://developer.apple.com/download/release/ works fine.

I had weird errors like this when trying out M1… setting up libraries on M1 requires additional details around chip set arch and not following it during installation doesn’t throw any error but its just doesn’t work during build/compile time. As an example, checkout this thread https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65342769/install-node-on-m1-mac

Same here

Xcode 13.2 - Internal error : Missing Package Description Module