Xcode 13.2 update is stuck

I am trying to update XCode to 13.2 on Monterey. It's stuck at "Installing 7.49GB of 7.49GB" (been for a while...). I tried rebooting the mac and and the install is still stuck.

Reported issue on Feedback assistant (number FB9808696).

What can I do?

Previous version of XCode still runs ok.

I've had the same issue in macOS Monterey version 12.3 running on MacBook Pro (13-inch, M1, 2020), tried several tricks none worked except one random click on the app inside the Launchpad, it triggered something and suddenly the installing process woke up and notified me that the installation is successful finally.

Restarting my Mac did not help. Here is what I did:

  • Killed the App Store process in Activity Monitor
  • Long pressed Xcode and clicked X - It didn't delete Xcode, just stopped the update.
  • Restarted my Mac
  • Opened App Store, and clicked "Update"

It downloaded Xcode all over again, and started the installation again. The installation took maybe 15 minutes after downloading. I monitored progress by hovering the cursor over the rotating status circle in the App Store page - this showed a small bubble with the progress as a %age. Eventually it finished installing and the button changed to "Open".

This is how the progress bar should look:

I got this after I got the circle of dead ring a couple of times, rebooting, etc.

But it is still very slow/stuck. Checking the Console (filtering on app store) shows lots of connection issues/retries. Mostly things like ""The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated." I killed the "installd" process using Activity Monitor. And downloaded manually, which was way, waaaaaay faster:

Edit: oh, btw, this is on a M1 mini with 16 GB RAM

Had the same issue on M1 Mac Air. Xcode stuck and even restart did no help.

And the way it was resolved was by opening the "Activity Monitor" app and under CPU, when I sort by most used process, "installd" was the one I stop/kill and after that, the xcode app restart the download and completed successfully.

xcode 13.3.1 same issue on m1 mini. The download was quick but install phase just spins. Had similar issue with last update too previous to this. nothing helps, no reboot nothing, not even app store process killing and cache flushing. the success is just happening random it seems. Assist with this would help a ton !

Updating Xcode has been really bad already few updates now. This update is simply worse. Our pretty new macmini has been updating xcode for like 1h now and stuck in te 12.58GB step that whole time.

same here, MacBook Air 13" still running the charging wheel anyone has any time frame, maybe any apple answer about this issue?

I had the same problem. First of all, check if any firewall blocks requests from App Store app. Then open the Console/Konsole app and follow the steps that are described in one of answers above to check if the update is really stuck in one of the steps. If the update of Xcode really stucks, first restart your macOS and than open the App Store app again and also watch out the logs in the Console/Konsole app. If this does not help after several minutes, then restart the App Store app again. This helped in my case. Hope that helps you too :)

Tried all the suggestions from the comments above. Didn't work for me. Mine is Mac Mini with M1 chip.

When I tried to installed from command line I got below error:

The archive "Xcode-13.2.1+13C100.xip" is damaged and can't be expanded.

Can Apple please provide a solution for this?

check this out:  https://gist.github.com/tsarenkotxt/32664d7237f799535fb42f706878be79
this helped me fix the "stuck"

This is pretty appalling alright. Its the lack of feedback that is most annoying. I can tell that launch daemon is trying to unzip the downloaded package, which I can see in the Finder, but it takes so long that it is impossible to know it is is stuck or not. The logs are not any good. All I can see is that the last log was that installD was extracting the file, and is running at between 150-300% of CPU. When I sample it is in somewhere in deflate or some copy method. I suspect I can just wait around, that is more than the 30 minutes and counting since it actually downloaded. I see a lot of this:

1995 BOMCopierCopyWithOptions (in Bom) + 1952 [0x1aa886154] + 1995 _copyFromCPIO (in Bom) + 968 [0x1aa8a795c] + 1995 _copyDir (in Bom) + 1708 [0x1aa88a6e0] + 1995 _copyFromCPIO (in Bom) + 968 [0x1aa8a795c]

Most of the solutions here are to download again, but I have a slow enough connection.


I tried to kill launchD in the hope of running the PKG which I could find from running open /var/log/install.log and see what was being extracted, but get this. If you kill the app, ie launchD, that is not clearly working it will deliberately delete that PKG. They have literally put in code on a SIGTerm to delete something that will maybe help you fix the issue. Maybe to be fair that is to recover disk space, however it means I have to download again. Grrr.

I left my Mac alone to install XCode overnight. The next morning I opened the console, and there were many errors regarding the Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/ After a minute I saw this message in the console:

[UPD8E52C7E7/com.apple.dt.Xcode:497799835] Unable to remove lock xattr on app just updated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=93 "Attribute not found"
Request to set xattr com.apple.appstore.vendor_name on file /Applications/Xcode.app
Received notice that app update is complete: com.apple.dt.Xcode : /Applications/Xcode.app
[Crossfire] Apps installed: [com.apple.dt.Xcode]
[UPD8E52C7E7/com.apple.dt.Xcode:497799835] Finishing with final phase: Finished, current phase Postamble

I do not know what actually has happened, but it seems that the installation is stuck on reviewing the simulators (the more simulators you have, the more time the installation needs to go through them).

Same problem trying to update to Xcode 13.4 on my MacBook Pro (13", M1, 2020). Update was running all night and is stuck. Restarting did not help. Activity monitor shows installd running with 97% CPU. Killing the process and restarting my Mac did not resolve anything either.

Xcode continues to be a steaming pile of "Kot" (German for "excrement").

I saw a hint that since xcode has a huge number of files that an active virus checker can seriously impede performance. After several failues to complete I 'paused' clamav's sentry function until the install completed. Honestly, I don't that was what did it or my constant attention over a long time.

I saw a hint that since xcode has a huge number of files that an active virus checker can seriously impede performance. After several failues to complete I 'paused' clamav's sentry function until the install completed. Honestly, I don't know that was what did it or my constant attention over a long time.

I am using a 2021 macbook pro. I meant to post this but flubbed it, so doing it again.

Come on Apple stop wasting your developer's time. This is not the first Xcode update I have this issue just fix this please.

I noticed that the update takes a long time, and when the screen sleeps, the wifi connection disconnects and the installation gets stuck. 1 - I disabled the screen sleep from battery options https://mackeeper.com/blog/prevent-your-mac-from-sleep/ 2 - I cleared the cache from ~/Library/Caches, 3 - Restarted the machine and tried again. I left the update overnight, internet speed is 100Mbps but still takes hours for update/install. In the morning I found the latest version installed.

Hope this helps.

Had problems with 13.4.1 installing. Over 16 hours and only got to 30% before restarted at a "Install will start shortly" message. Did that many, many times. CPU at over 140%. Turned off Bitdefender after reading another response here, CPU reduced to 60% and the install completed within 30 minutes.

I have solved using DevCleaner, but then needed to reinstall Xcode, it's very tedious and annoying but at least working.

P.S. xcode is a pure example of bad coding.

If you are stuck at something like "Installing 7.49GB of 7.49GB" or in console progress of App Store - 999/1000, just open Xcode using Spotlight. It will install the command line tools, which is the remaining 1/1000, I suppose. That's it :)

This is still an issue for me, 2022 MacBook Air M2, 512/24. More than 290 GB free.

Just wanted to mention that booting into Safe Mode does absolutely nothing to speed things along in my experience, I restarted into Safe Mode thinking I could save hours from some comments I saw earlier in the thread and it was a huge waste of time. I should have just left the thing going and not rebooted the computer. Hopefully I can save someone else the same inconvenience!

I don't understand why Apple doesn't improve this experience, it is so confusing to so many people to have a complete lack of feedback for hours at a time.

Same issue for me updating to XCode 14.0 through the app store.

MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2020, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)

Processor: 2.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7

Memory: 32 GB 3733 MHz LPDDR4X

1.34 TB of free disk space

I've made it up to Completed: 943 of 1000 now after several hours already and there is no way to stop the installation in the app store. Just a spinning progress wheel with nothing happening when I click it.

My new MacBook Air M2 was struggling with downloading and installing Xcode. The problem, I think, was that the laptop sleeps after a short period of time and that stops the download/install process. Download/install restarts at 80% or 0% when the laptop is reawakened - repeat. A simple way to avoid the laptop from sleeping is to open the Terminal application (Application/Utilities/Terminal) and type "caffeinate". That prevents the laptop from sleeping and lets the download/install process complete itself. When done type control-c into the Terminal and it will quit caffeinate.

I also had the issue on a MacBook 13" M1 and Monterey 12.6 / Xcode 14. It was a nightmare, it took me two days of countless retries!

In the console log I could see it kept failing with the following message:

[ASServiceBroker]: Connection interrupted
LaunchPad:-[LPAppManager(StoreSupport) _acceptStoreConnection:]_block_invoke app store xpc message error: Connection invalid
got event: Connection interrupted

But it was not only an issue of sleep because I was using my computer while updating. I was using VSCode at the same time, which was trying to call git, not working since packaged with Xcode which is unavailable during the update... So I stopped using the computer and did the update with the recommendations I could see on previous posts:

  • plug the computer (this time I used the Apple power adapter and not the USB C cable from my external screen)
  • In battery settings --> Power Adapter --> I ticked "Prevent your Mac from automatically sleeping when the display is off"

It was long but finally it worked!

I did not try caffeinate as recommended in previous post but it could be a good alternative to altering power settings.

Previously I also tried to restart the updating process (kill it, delete Xcode, restart, clear app store cache) but apart re-downloading 12gb it did not seem to help much!

The AppStore update takes forever to complete. It is better to download and install Xcode from the developer portal. I also wrote a blog post about it here: https://dirkstrauss.com/xcode-stuck-updating-m1-macbook-pro/

Xcode 13.2 update is stuck