Device compatibility of app has been restricted

Currently using Xcode 8.2

Both the Target and Project Build Settings are set to arm64 armv7 armv7s as the valid architectures:

Architectures - Standard architectures (armv7, arm64) - $

Valid Architectures - arm64 armv7 armv7s

When I archive and upload the build, iTunes Connect classifies it as only arm64.

Under "Supported Architectures", iTunes Connect shows only arm64

This makes it so my app is not available to older devices (iPhone 5, iPad 2, iPad Mini 1, etc)

This is happening with more than one of my apps, althought not every app. Some properly get categorized as armv7, arm64.

Even stranger, the iOS Device Compatibility Reference says:

"Important: You are permitted only to expand your device requirements. Submitting an update to your binary to restrict your device requirements is not permitted. You are unable to restrict device requirements because this action will keep customers who have previously downloaded your app from running new updates."

The previous version of my app DID have "Supported Architectures" of "armv7, arm64"

When I released an update for the app, without changing the valid architectures settings in Xcode, the app became "arm64" only despite this note explaining that you may only expand your device requirements and can never restrict them since this will affect customers trying to update. I have been getting emails from customers who are having this exact issue where the update is no longer compatible with their device.

Anything else I can try to get iTunes Connect and the App Store to correctly see my apps' support for armv7 in addition to arm64?

Thanks so much in advance!

Answered by RanLearns in 202188022

This was an issue with "Build Active Architecture Only" being on in Build Settings

Try checking the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key of your app's Info.plist file. Make sure it does not contain arm64.

Accepted Answer

This was an issue with "Build Active Architecture Only" being on in Build Settings

Device compatibility of app has been restricted