iOS 16.0 No Live Photo or live Wallpaper on Lock Screen

in ios 16, branded live wallpapers and special ones for the iphone xs max model have completely disappeared, which is very sad, I hope that Apple developers will return live wallpapers from live photo and exclusive for that model live wallpapers and that I have already tried to put several live photos as wallpaper, but they are just like a static picture and more than one tip from apple care support did not help

Apple bring Live Wallpaper back !! Lets all just go to Android apples restrictions are shit

i want back my 12 mini live wallpapers and i don’t want the wallpaper menu when i hold to screen.

Apple brought us the live photo. I have had it on my screen for years the new software seems to be a downgrade 😞 Bring back the live photo !!!

Apple please give me live photo for wallpaper again. I really need it, it’s so pretty and interesting to me 🙏😿

That's one of the biggest downgrades the whole apple community have ever seen. Please undo this mistake!

We need live walpaper !!!

I have iPhone 11 but live wallpapers don’t show up at all

I miss live wallpapers!! I don’t like the live apple wallpapers they are boring and I want to use tiktoks ones lol, they have hard edits man!!

Without an attractive wallpaper, i feel like I’m having an iphone cloned version.

why Apple is going backdated.

Is my first time having and Iphone so I was liking the phone, but is really sad that the live wallpaper version is gone, I really like having a lot of choices but this limit a little all that. I’m actually a little disappointed because was looking forward to editing all with the new things ios 16 have. I really hope u can bring it back, because live wallpapers do give a bit of beautifulness to our lock screen, also lock screen is one of the things I do look the most, that’s why is a bit sad the function is gone :s.

Just updated today due to another app requiring most recent iOS to operate. I’ve been using the Skyrim lock pick as my live background for 3 years! Now it doesn’t even fill the screen correctly. Let alone animate for my amusement when I hold it. 😡😡😡

give us live screens back!!

(and get rid of that huge font for the clock. Ugh)

no the real disappointment is when you spend over $1200 on a new phone, one of the reasons being JUST TO HAVE LIVE WALLPAPERS. Especially one of your kids or loved ones, the 3sec pictures just a gaze.. and they REMOVED IT. why?! Who knows, but enough people have mentioned it, now bring it back pleaseeee. It’s a small feature with a impact, looking forward to it in the next update, Got me right? Don’t leave me hanging 😂 c’mon Apple, we’re serious.. Miss that feature for real,

***** you apple! Why would you take away this feature? This is the last straw, I won’t be buying any apple products 🖕🏼

I hope Apple brings back this live wallpaper feature. I've been a longtime Apple user, but this makes me reconsider switching to the Android market.

Please bring back Live Photos Apple! There could be a option in the touch settings to turn Live Photos on and off. I loved seeing my 4 year old start dancing with a big smile on his face, they would make my busy days better all because of my love bug!!! Please bring it back!!!😢😢😢

Please Bring back the beta fish live wallpaper please please

Bring Live wallpaper in lock screen with own photos back! Why remove this? :(

iOS 16.0 No Live Photo or live Wallpaper on Lock Screen