There is a problem with Swift Error type check on iOS16 beta.

My project and 3rd-party library have the following code, but it is working incorrectly on iOS16, so I tried debugging it.

if let error = value as? Error {
} else {

The cause of incorrect operation was recognized as 'Error' even though the value type was 'String'.

The reproduction conditions are as follows.

  1. iOS16 Beta
  2. Add 'SafariServices.framework' to Xcode project
  3. Xcode version does not matter (13.4, 14.0 beta all occur)

The key here is number2. If you create a sample project and add only 'SafariServices.framework' to the project, the result of the code below is true.

let stringValue: String = "abc"
print(stringValue is Error)

So I'm guessing that the following code is in 'SafariServices.framework' of iOS16Beta.

extension String: Error {}

I wonder if this kind of code actually exists in the framework, and I wonder if this is intended. If so, this code is syntactically acceptable, but since it can affect the operation of the application a lot, I think that it should not be added in the core library such as 'SafariServices.framework'.

If possible, I hope to fix it in the next iOS version.

I've tested your findings above and this does look like an issue of a potential String: Error {} extension conformance. The most we can do is wait and see where the Beta revisions take us with the implementation SFError.

I can also verify this issue exists, and is breaking every one of my applications since I use promises with type String multiple places.

I have a same problem. please fix this issue.

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There is a problem with Swift Error type check on iOS16 beta.