Public testers removed from TestFlight


I have an app in the App Store and I have a build in TestFlight with around 400 public testers who were added by public link.

I started getting reports from some testers recently that they were removed as testers from TestFlight. It just says "Tester removed" for them in TestFlight. The build also didn't expire. Nobody else has access to my developer account, so I'm sure that no testers were removed manually. There are plenty free slots for public testers and those testers are also quite active. So I don't see why TestFlight keeps seemingly randomly removing testers.

I already have around 5 reports of this where testers complained that I removed them from testing for reporting bugs. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there any reason for this or is it just a bug?


We have the same problem at our company with over more than 1000 testers. Lots of whom get the message 'tester removed' when we launch a new build to test. We can indeed add them again in Testflight but it creates a lot of extra work for us and frustrating at the testers side. Hope someday there will be an explanation or solution.

We are experiencing the same issue and are currently in chats with Apple to resolve, however no resolution has been provided yet.

Do you have an update on your experience? Did you find a solution to this issue @misor ?

Public testers removed from TestFlight