AVPlayer.metadata not working on iOS 16 beta 1/2

Are there more developers noticing that metadata is not working on iOS 16 beta 1 and 2? Both possible solutions are not working:

  1. observeValue for key "timedMetadata" and
  2. AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate.

The code I produced works fine on iOS 16 in the simulator, but not on a real device (iPhone XR).

Just found it as issue in my app. Do you have any update on this?

I have this problem too. The timedMetadata comes in with iOS 16 beta simulator but on a device with IOS 16 beta it is empty. I added a bug report with id "FB10369973" for this with Feedback assistant. I provided to Apple code with Objective-C using observeValueForKeyPath and also a complete project with Swift using AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate to demo the bug. Both versions have no metadata on devices but in simulators.

This issue still persists in beta 4. This is breaking my app.

The status of my bug report was updated by Apple:

Recent Similar Reports: Less than 10

Resolution: Potential fix identified - In iOS 16

tvOS beta 5 shows the metadata again :)

Accepted Answer

It appears that the issue has been fixed in beta 5! Download this afternoon and everything is working properly again.

The issue is for me resolved with beta 5 and 6 for iOS 16 and also on tvOS 16 for my too test variants, Objective-C using observeValueForKeyPath and Swift using AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate.

AVPlayer.metadata not working on iOS 16 beta 1/2