
When I try to upload to apple store connect from XCODE, I get the following error.

"the app contains one or more corrupted binaries. rebuild the app and resubmit. with error code state_error.validation_error.10 for id *****"

This error started appearing suddenly today. I have not made any major changes since yesterday. It had never appeared before.

I get the same error when I try to re-upload other app builds that I was able to upload before.

"state_error.validation_error.10" error code does not show up at all when I search google.

Also When I upload an exported build via Transporter, I get an email with the error "ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage".

I have tried restarting the MAC, clean build of XCODE, etc., but to no avail.

Can someone please help me?

(My environment is XCODE13 and Unity2020.)

Answered by Developer Program Support in 721810022

Hello, at this time we believe that the issue has been resolved and as a result we have updated the System Status - Apple Developer page. Please note you will need to re-upload your app. 

Should you continue to have issues with your app upload please Contact Us.

Thanks for your continued feedback!

I'm experiencing the same issue. I can't upload the app ...

Same issue here! Was working fine yesterday and now this. Let's keep making some noise!

Interestingly, I was getting the validation 10 error until I updated my system to the latest macOS version. Only then did i start getting this error via email; "ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage" Theres been basically no changes to this app since the last successful upload, so I don't really know what it could be referring to.

Same here!!! And we are dealing with a mission-critical upload. Can the App Store team fix this quickly? Thanks so much!!!

Apple has recognized that this is their issue and has updated their system status page for App Store Connect to reflect it. They are actively working on the issue now.

Thanks for letting us know about this, as mentioned by others above, we've updated the System Status - Apple Developer page and are looking into this issue. Thank you!

In regards to this problem,The same thing is happening in japanese...


still nothing.. no progress was made since this morning..

Apple! Can you please provide an ETA.

Same issue here. Please provide an ETA 🙏

Hello, at this time we believe that the issue has been resolved and as a result we have updated the System Status - Apple Developer page. Please note you will need to re-upload your app. 

Should you continue to have issues with your app upload please Contact Us.

Thanks for your continued feedback!

At this point can't test the upload/processing of a new App, the AppStore Connect login is failing:

We can't process your request. Go back to where you were and try again. If the problem continues, contact us.

App Store Connect Login Page

In regards to this issue, I was able to upload and successfully processed it (using Unity 2021.3.4f1 and XCode 13.4.1), so I can say it was resolved for us.

It's working again now for me. Looks like Apple fixed something on their side.

thx We have solved the problem! :) with this I can my ipa test
