The documentation for CarPlay ( tells you to disable automatic signing in the section titled "Import the CarPlay Provisioning Profile":
- Click All in the scope bar, and then deselect “Automatically manage signing”.
There have also been other posts in the past about the inability to use automatic signing with CarPlay:
However in a recent post of mine ( I was instructed how to set it up so that I could use automatic signing for the new user-assigned-device-name entitlement and it worked so I thought "Can I do the same thing for CarPlay?" and it seems to be working so far.
Is automatic signing with CarPlay now possible? We have been able to use automatic signing to archive successfully and run to real devices and verify that CarPlay is working. I'm crossing my fingers that we'll be able to submit and get the build approved and never have to touch manual signing again.
Hopefully it works and the documentation is just out of date.