app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified

suddenly getting this message for test flight installs

what is going on?

Seeing this too. Interestingly, on an iPhone 8 using iOS 14 the same build could install, repeatedly fine with no problems! on iOS 16 installs are all failing so far.

Same here. What's happening ?

Same problem for me. @Apple - help please

Hello @Apple Dev Team and everyone here. Experiencing the same issue starting from today Thu 8 Dec, 2022. To make things worse, using Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100) and an old iPhone (8 Plus), I cannot run and test on device but every works fine on Simulator. We are pretty sure you are doing your very best right now to fix and we appreciate.

We are also facing same issue. Dear Apple Team whats happening with TestFlight? But my app was successfully reviewed by Apple team and ready for release. If I released the app on AppStore my app users will also get this same message like this ? "app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified".

 Apple Team please help on this

Same here with three different beta Apps, on different devices with IOS 15 and 16

fyi apple posted a response to another thread on this issue (see page 12 of this thread), they are working on it:

same for me

Good day my fellow Appler, it looks like there's an outage with the "Developer ID Notary Service", which can be seen here.. This is most likely the root of the issue you're (we're) having.

Good day my fellow Applers, it looks like there's an outage with the "Developer ID Notary Service", which can be seen here.. This is most likely the root of the issue you're (we're) having.

Same boat. since yesterday started getting error and testflight stop installing app. Clicking on icon says can't verify integrity

We're seeing this issue as well on our team!


Just started having this issue. Was able to successfully upgrade via TestFlight 1 hour ago but now trying to upgrade to a new version results in the button reverting back to "Upgrade" and integrity issue.

Same problem here, nothing works! @apple @developers plz fix it ASAP!!!

I installed back the last working build and then installed the next 2 that were giving me this error and it worked.

What happened: Build 148 - was installed Build 149 - error and it was showing "install" Build 150 - generated new build to try and same thing.

What worked: I deleted the app Installed the version in the store Installed again build 148 Then 149 worked and 150 worked.

Maybe Apple fixed it or this is a way around it.

I'm also experiencing this. Could it be a code signing issue with my pods? I wonder if Apple has the ability to catch my mistake before they approve my app before it is sent from testflight to the actual users in the app store. That is what I want to avoid.

In the same boat here for the last 24 hours or so. Massively frustrating. However, good to know from the other thread that Apple is looking into this!

I have the same problem for a day or more

Same Problem. I built a very simple app and created a new app bundle ID, and app and published it. No luck anyone can help?

Same issue. We observed this occurring across our testing devices on iOS 15 and iOS 16. Some devices installed our newest build via TestFlight, most of them failed. Deleted previous build to reinstall latest build from Testflight, no joy. Restarted devices, no joy. Will keep our eye on this thread @apple

Having the same issue

same issue here

They have mentioned in their system-status site that they are working on fixing this issue. I guess we have to wait for them to fix it.

I have the exact same issue

app cannot be installed because it's integrity could not be verified