MacOS Ventura Python version?

I seem to have multiple versions of Python 3 installed, and my PATH is (by default) pointing at an out of date version.

➜ where python3

The second one is a symlink to the first, and is version 3.9.0.

The third result is a binary - version 3.9.6 - perhaps I installed the official package at some point?

I have brew installed, but I haven't installed Python 3 with that so far.

My $PATH is a complete mess, with /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin... surely that's not right?

➜ echo $PATH

I know how to fix all of this manually... I'm just wondering how I might have arrived at this state?

And, of the 3 possible sources of Python 3 for MacOS (Homebrew, Official Python Package, the one maintained in the OS) which is the better one to rely on?

I followed the instructions at which basically say install and use pyenv with homebrew.

MacOS Ventura Python version?