App Ready - But Still have subscription errors

Hi all,

This is my first app. Its status is "Pending Developer's Release", so I assume that means it's ready.

But my subscriptions have red exclamation marks and say "A subscription has been returned and is highlighted in the table below."

I messaged Apple and was told - "I have escalated this information to the appropriate internal team. They'll follow up with you directly if they need anything."

So...I'm not sure what to do. Do I just wait? Should I release it? It was approved a few days ago, so I assumed they had checked everything, but now I'm not sure.

Any ideas or experience with this?


Hard to say with certainty without knowing any details.

But of your app and in-app purchases are approved, you are welcome to mark them cleared for sale whenever you are ready.

and If there is an error in App Store Connect you are experiencing or there is an error in the App Store, let us know, file a ticket to with all the details. Welcome to reply here with the fb# too.

Experiencing the same issue.

Seeing the same problem. My app was approved months ago but apparently the the subscriptions have been sitting in an "in review" stats for months. Users are unable to purchase in production because of this problem. I have seen many android purchase, but zero ios purchases, and it turns out it is because the subscriptions have been stuck in review for months.

App Ready - But Still have subscription errors