Encryption export compliance key in plist not read (status is missing compliance in App Store Connect)?

I'm making a watchOS standalone app, Xcode 14.2, watchOS target 9.1. My app, so far, needs 3 values in the info properties: ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption = no, and a couple of health privacy keys.

Now, the health privacy keys initially bugged out on upload too, and I figured I had to update my iOS minimum deployment to iOS 15 (seemed the default iOS 13 has some bug or deprecated connection with the info.plist). So I did that, and those privacy keys were uploaded and read correctly by App Store Connect. I thought this would also resolve the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption issue, but lo and behold when I upload a build to TestFlight, compliance is still missing.

Can't find any documentation that suggests doing anything more than adding that key, so I'm stumped as to what the issue might be?

Hi there, it looks like you've taken the right step by including the ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption key. Can you please file a feedback assistant ticket with your app's details so we can investigate why you're still being prompted to provide compliance details? Feel free to share the ticket number here, and we can escalate further.

@isteeb @Apple Staff Has this been solved? I ran into the same issue today.

Encryption export compliance key in plist not read (status is missing compliance in App Store Connect)?