Problem with presentCodeRedemptionSheet() not displaying keyboard


I have a question regarding the presentCodeRedemptionSheet() function. I'm implementing an offer code input feature in a Unity app and currently testing it on TestFlight. However, when I tap the text field, the keyboard doesn't appear as shown in the attached image. If I flip the iPhone, the keyboard then shows up. Is this phenomenon specific to TestFlight or Sandbox?

I am testing this issue on the following two environments, and the problem occurs in both cases. The iPhones are models sold in Japan.

  1. iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 16.4.1
  2. iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 15.7.1

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I see the same behavior. I had to force portrait orientation when presenting the Offer Code reception sheet on iPhone.

if (SystemInfo.deviceModel.StartsWith("iPhone", System.StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
      Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait;
Problem with presentCodeRedemptionSheet() not displaying keyboard