When will the verifyReceipt api be deprecated?

The verifyReceipt endpoint is deprecated, per this doc https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstorereceipts/verifyreceipt. We want to know when will the verifyReceipt api be deprecated? we failed to find any information about the deadline of this api from document. Is there anything am I missing?

Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 755739022

The verifyReceipt and App Store Server Notification v1 are marked for deprecation which means moving forward the API will not receive any new features and updates. It will continue to function until an end of life date is announced.

The end of life date is currently yet to be determined and developer will get a notification in advance prior to end of life.

Currently the recommendation is to scope and start using App Store Server API and App Store Server Notification v2 as soon as possible, leveraging existing resources such as available documentation and App Store Server Library.



Accepted Answer

The verifyReceipt and App Store Server Notification v1 are marked for deprecation which means moving forward the API will not receive any new features and updates. It will continue to function until an end of life date is announced.

The end of life date is currently yet to be determined and developer will get a notification in advance prior to end of life.

Currently the recommendation is to scope and start using App Store Server API and App Store Server Notification v2 as soon as possible, leveraging existing resources such as available documentation and App Store Server Library.



@Frameworks Engineer what is the best way to communicate to our servers that a purchase has been verified locally by StoreKit 2? I see that the server verification in StoreKit 2 needs to receive the transaction ID from the client. And then store this transaction ID in the DB, to be able to later on communicate server-to-server with Apple. The receipt which was retrieved with Bundle(for: Self.self).appStoreReceiptURL in StoreKit 1 is not longer necessary for StoreKit 2. I am watching this video https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tech-talks/10887/ IS THIS UNDERSTANDING CORRECT?

How to get transaction Id from client? Can you help me?

@Frameworks Engineer Is there any update on the end-of-life date you can share?

Thanks a lot in advance.

When will the verifyReceipt api be deprecated?