"XCTAutomationSupport couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources"

We're seeing this message when trying to run test automation on iOS 17.

We're building the app on Sonoma, using Xcode 15, and running on iOS 17 (physical iPhone 13). At one point in the test we want to verify that something is correctly set in the iOS Setting app.

We were previously doing this by launching com.apple.Preferences

On iOS 17 we're getting a failure because

"XCTAutomationSupport couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources"

I suspect that the error message is not actually representative of the real error

Anyone seen this before?

Thanks for posting about this! If you haven't already, can you file a report via Feedback Assistant including 1. a result bundle for this failure and 2. sysdiagnoses from both the Mac and the device taken shortly after the failure?

Instructions on taking a sysdiagnose on macOS

Instructions on taking a sysdiagnose on iOS


Thanks. I'll look into that.

I'll probably need to repro it with a smaller test app because of some of the data in the result bundle for our full app.


We are seeing a similar error and result. Has any progress been made with this?

I haven't had time to get back to them with the information, and I haven't found a way around it.

We are facing the same issue with xcode 15 on ventura. There is no crash when we use app.activate() but calling app.launch() seem to crash the whole test.

Wanted to chime that I'm continuing to observe this issue with Xcode 15 beta 6.

We are aware of this issue and are hoping to have this resolved as soon as possible.

Apologies on the delay here.

Thanks for the response. Hope it's fixed soon, because we're trying to test for day 0 compatibility with the new releases, and if the fix doesn't come out soon that won't work very well.

We have enough tests that manually running through each of them every time is impractical.

Wanted to share that with Xcode beta 7 this issue is no longer happening for us!

"XCTAutomationSupport couldn’t be loaded because it is damaged or missing necessary resources"