API ExtendRenewalDateRequest returns a 200 but does not extend

I have been trying to extend a membership that is about to expire in 3 days. I send a request through the api following the instructions on this page https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/extend_a_subscription_renewal_date

I get a 200 response with a body saying it was successful but the date is still the same both in the ExtendRenewalDateResponse and if I make a query to get the expiration of the subscription.

Hello, please file a Feedback Request ticket so we can investigate this for you. Then post the FB number here.


Include in your ticket as much information as you can, such as the full request and response including headers.

Hello, I had filled a feedback and never heard back... https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/12456361

Still haven't heard anything back

API ExtendRenewalDateRequest returns a 200 but does not extend