Inline Comparison on Commit seems to be forced in XCode 15 Beta 3

Anyone know how to set Side By Side Comparison in the new commit UI? New UI seems to missing a lot of features like multi-select of files to discard/stage...

Looks like a bug to me - Editor menu has both Inline and Side By Side comparisons available, but switching between them has no effect.

Let's hope it's a bug, as the current commit UI is still pretty useless in the latest Beta 5 state. usually Apple goes to Beta 6 before RC, so it's actually concerning, as it's doubtful beta 6 will have such a large change.

This is a HORRIBLE change. I cannot stand in-line comparison.

To top it off, the highlighting of the in-line comparison is also HORRENDOUS at best.

Normally, you would see a red background on the removed line and green on the inserted.

The line that should be red is faintly highlighted and simply looks like you have selected the line of code. The line that is normally green is simply the background color.

The piss-poor formatting makes it super confusing to distinguish the changes.



Agree, absolutely unusable "Commit" in Xcode 15.

Seems like a nasty bug to me. Or a huge step backwards in user experience. Apple please fix this!

This issue was apparently raised in the beta version, but I don't run beta software, and still ran into this in the released version of Xcode in the course of a normal OS upgrade (13.5 → 13.5.2?)

Really dislike the new commit view. The side-by-side view was superior. It was easier to see the changes.

It's buggy and slow. If I scroll the new commit view too quickly, it shows the file, not the diff, with the diff loading in several seconds later. It's virtually unusable.

Glad to see I'm not the only one. I very much prefer the side by side, and found the old interface to be great as it was, and this current implementation unusable.

Just an update here after my original post this morning. I've been trying to use this new UI all day, and the more I use it, the more I hate it. And I'm constantly afraid I'm going to accidentally perform an action I didn't intend. One issue I ran into today, was code that I had deleted, was showing up in the UI. I could have sworn I deleted it and was wondering why it was appearing as though it had been added. Looking in the SourceTree app, the lines in question were clearly marked in Red. But the Xcode UI instead shows it as a faint background, the exact issue that I see @YukonJJR describing above. Maddening.

Unlike the original side-by-side editor (which existed as such for years and no one complained about), this new version as far as I can tell is no longer a live editor either. I can't simply go and fix a typo in a comment right there as I'm reviewing the diff, as I normally would with the functional commit interface in prior versions of Xcode.

I also ran into many of the issues @keithburgoyne described, terrible scrolling, not showing files properly, etc. And its not like I was making major changes.

I just don't understand these decisions and how something so shoddy and questionable like this can be released. Especially when there are plenty of other areas in Xcode that are buggy that need fixing (as far as I can tell, none of the bugs I reported in the virtual labs this year at WWDC to the team seem to have been fixed). But yet, the team had the time to "fix" something that wasn't broken.

And its not just the dev teams, some of these product decisions like the "Fine Woven" case seem to be becoming a debacle that should have been spotted a mile away. Like what some friends repeatedly say to me as of late, the quality of everything has just gone downhill, and so have the standards.

I went and filed a Radar anyway requesting they revert back (or at least provide a setting to enable the previous version). Thats really all I can do that this point, and hope others do the same.

Same here. I just tried to clean up some code changes in about 10 files. Complete mess, there was no good overview, I had to stage each change separately. And after a while, Xcode just crashed.

I had to revert using git in the terminal, once again.

Please, bring back to old side-by-side comparison

I agree, the new UI is horrible... The inline changes are one thing, but there is also no file hierarchy displayed. This means that if you have two files with the same name but in different directories, you can't tell which one has been modified.

Please add an option to use the legacy view. 🙏

Same concerns here.
The side by side view is a must to review code before a commit.
Please bring it back

Side by Side is something I would (and do) use an external tool for if it is not available, but having a menu option for it doing nothing is definitely a bug.

Usually i don't prefer staging as i consider both commit and stage to perform more or less the same job. But facing lots of issues in staging files.

Apart from that, UI is so unstable .

Random file reordering and scrolling in the Changes tab. Unable to view folder hierarchy before committing. Better to switch to some other version control tool if apple doesn't fix it soon enough !! 🙏

The new "Integrate" options have been a car crash for me: I've had several partial checkins where not all files seemed to get included, countless occasions where the Commit and Push button does nothing until I restart Xcode, and I still have no idea how to specify on a per-file basis which should or shouldn't be included in a commit.

But the disappearance of side-by-side comparison is worst of all - I'm going to have to stop using Xcode for VCS at this rate. Please fix this Apple.

Hear hear with this terrible change. You absolutely cannot make a change of this impact without consultation AND an ability to opt-out of the new interface!

Here's the feedback I just sent via Xcode>Help>Provide Feedback...

My workflow absolutely needs the side-by-side commit comparisons back!

Missing features that make my workflow drastically more difficult:

  1. Missing side-by-side change viewer in the commit interface. This is absolutely essential for my workflow. I know I can view these changes OUTSIDE the commit interface, but that doesn't help

  2. Missing dedicated window with different sizing from my editor windows. I edit code on a monitor, with three editors side-by-side. The commit interface now appears in one of these windows, which is much too narrow. I have to create a new tab group with a window large enough, but that tab group gets randomly closed or moved and I have to search for it or recreate it each time I go to commit. Definitely less convenient than one menu item away.

  3. Missing way to quickly navigate to each change in the file. For a large file with many changes, I used the button to jump to the next change in the file ALL THE TIME.

  4. Missing visibility of whether or not to commit individual changes. The checkboxes for the files and the per-line dropdowns were exceedingly quick, and easy to come back and review all the changes about to be committed before actually performing it. Now the difference in highlighting is much less clear, especially when you have to scroll the entire contents of EVERY changed file to find the individual staged/unstaged items.

  5. Missing persistent commit message when going in/out of the commit interface. I'm not sure exactly what caused it to happen, probably a bug, but I wrote a commit message, but before I made any commits I went in and out of the interface, staged/unstaged a few things, tried to commit without staging, then continued playing, and then I noticed the commit message was gone. Previously that commit message would remain no matter what I did, until a commit was made.

Edit: I after I pushed my commit with the new commit message, there are no more unstaged/uncommitted changes, but now in the Commit interface the original commit message is back. This seems like a strange bug.

I'm sorry, this UI change is absolutely broken. Terrible decision to make without extensive feedback AND the ability to choose which interface to use.

Agree with everyone. New commit UI is unusable. This is a VERY big problem!

How would anyone like this? It's a disaster. I like to review all my changes when I select "Commit" but it's impossible. Scrolling down suddenly gets you in a new file. Sorry, Apple, your new Integrate workflow sucks. I'm going to use SmartGit for ALL my source code changes until it's changed back, which, knowing Apple's legendary intransigence, will probably be forever.

Please bring back Side By Side comparison and File hierarchy view for modified files in Integrate feature. For now it's unusable - need to use external diff tool.

I utterly loathe this new "integrate" system, but loved the old simple system. I've given up committing changes and I'm gonna wait (and hope, and pray) that Apple sees sense and goes back to the old way, and until then just cross my fingers that I don't introduce any bugs without being able to double check my work on checking in.

Unbelievably bad from Apple.

I also vote for reverting this change - the new "compare view" is definitely not as easy to use as the old one. My workaround is to use SourceTree right now for this purpose - but also this compare view has some downsides. I really can't get why the Xcode engineers thought the new UI is a step forward :(

i know this thread is supposedly about "beta 3", but i hope someone is still looking at it, because i don't see a newer one. i can't believe i haven't heard more people freaking out about this, and also that there seems to be no way to at the very least select side-by-side comparison. generally agree that the new system is a huge regression. nothing new to add really, except to be another small ignored voice crying out in the darkness: HEY APPLE, QUIT BREAKING SHIT.

The navigation of the files is impossible. Everything is listed under "Uncommitted Changes". I have no idea where files belong to. I use a very big project where I structure my code within a complex hierarchy of folders. Many files have the same name because I handle them by different targets and shemes. The way the changed files are listed right now, it is impossible to work with.

One example - I made a pod update of 23 pods and have 468 files changed. Can not handle this.

I don't want to write code in Xcode 15, I'm just frustrated.

This change has been horrible, it has caused multiple push errors because its hard to control the things I'm pushing now with an unorganized UI like this, why does APPLE need to BREAK SUCH IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS

Inline Comparison on Commit seems to be forced in XCode 15 Beta 3