Problem with localising a Swift package

I am using Xcode 15 and working on a localised app. I use the new String Catalogs feature which works great for my app. In my app I created some local package like Apple has done it in the Backyard Birds example. However the translations I did in the package's String Catalog won’t be used in the app. What am I doing wrong?

Answered by RayWo in 763017022

When you use resources from a localised framework, make sure to use methods with the bundle: parameter! Even in the framework itself.

Instead of using String(localized: "some String") use String(localized: "some String", bundle: Bundle.module). Same goes for Color, NSDataAsset and so on. This fixed my issue.

Hi, would you have example code? For instance, are you passing the package as a bundle parameter?

To be honest, I don’t know what you mean by that.

I have the exact same problem ☹️ The app translates as expected for 90%, but one view (that is implemented through a local package) does not.

In the local package manifest: _// swift-tools-version:5.9 _ and defaultLocalization: "en" were added

Under myPackage/Sources/myTarget/Resources: A string catalog with the default name 'Localizable' was added

When I compile the package's String catalog gets filled with all the new Text() items from the view and I can provide translation for them.

Accepted Answer

When you use resources from a localised framework, make sure to use methods with the bundle: parameter! Even in the framework itself.

Instead of using String(localized: "some String") use String(localized: "some String", bundle: Bundle.module). Same goes for Color, NSDataAsset and so on. This fixed my issue.

To add to this, if you are using SwiftUI, you have to add the bundle parameter everywhere. As far as I can tell, the documentation doesn't mention this anywhere.

.navigationTitle(Text("list.title", bundle: .module))

Problem with localising a Swift package