DeviceMotionEvent requestPermission


I'm working on web app where wanna access data from accelerometer. In order to access data from accelerometer on iPhone, I have to request permission from user. This is completely fine and I'm happy about that. No complains there. The problem is that I cannot just ask for permission. In order to request permission for accelerometer data on iPhone, there have to be something called "user gesture" event. If I request permission directly, it will end up with error BUT when I place random button on application with random text and request permission on onClick event, everything is fine. And I don't get it. Why there is need for something like user gesture event? It is just stupid. It's like: Nah, you cannot ask for permission just like that. You have to first click on this "Do you wanna donate all your money?" button and then is Ok to ask for permission... Am I missing something? Can someone from apple explain to me this "great" developer experience?

For better understanding, here Is an article

DeviceMotionEvent requestPermission