Assert in line 204: PhotoGrammetrySession crashes while running with more than 10 images

The Object Capture Apple sample code crashes while generating the 3D model when using more than 10 images. The code was running fine in Xcode beta 4 (and the corresponding iOS version). Since beta 5 I get these crashes. When scanning with exactly 10 images the process runs through fine.

Does anybody know a workaround for that?

We too facing this issue. Have you able to resolve it ?

I see this issue too

The issue persists in Xcode Version 15.0 beta 6 (15A5219j) and iOS 17 beta 5. The whole Object Capture experience got worse. Everything feels very laggy.

Actually for me the scan is working again since iOS 17 Beta 5 and Xcode 6. Just got 2 times bad access in memory but now i got 5 successful scans in a row (after cleaning the build folder)


Although it worked 5 times in a row now it crashes again in the reconstruction process :(

The issue got resolved in iOS 17 beta 6

Same crash ! EXC_BAD_ACCESS.. You have mentioned it worked 5 scans in a row, does it mean Only the ObjectCaptureSession or the PhotogrammetrySession too ??

Both was working in my tests, but i just performed 7-8 Scans since Beta 6 and in Beta 5 I found out, killing all Apps in AppSwitcher and restarting the devices should allow some scans (This really seams to be a memory issue).

Hearing that in Beta 6 it still crashes sometimes is really bad..

There was a bug introduced in one of the frameworks Object Capture depends on which was causing this crash. It has been addressed and newer betas should be working correctly. Please provide feedback otherwise.

Also note that we updated the sample code to work with the new Observation based ObjectCaptureSession API change. Please use this new sample code with the latest Beta and let us know if you encounter issues with these. Thanks!


I just redownloaded the sample project this morning. It's now updated to use the new Observation and builds without failure.

But I'm still having issues with Assert line 204 during reconstruction.

    1. Xcode: Version 15.0 beta 8 (15A5229m)
    1. iPhone 12 Pro Max - iOS 17.0 (21A5291h)
Assert in line 204: PhotoGrammetrySession crashes while running with more than 10 images