




iPadOS18 UITabBarController not releasing viewControllers after deinit with sidebar enabled
In iPadOS18 UITabBarController not releasing viewControllers after deinit with sidebar enabled. On checking the memory Graph Debugger we could see that the viewControllers are hold by UITab which in turn hold by UITabSidebarItem. We don't have control over the UITabSidebarItem and unable to remove the reference. The issue not happens when tabbarController mode is set to 'tabBar' instead of 'sidebar'. We have event tried to set empty tabs before dismiss the view but still the original tabs are not removing in memory and holding the viewcontollers as well. Anyone assist on this issue. Sharing the sample code here
Jan ’25
Contact Prodvider Extension key '' not accepting in Testflight submission
ERROR ITMS-90349: "Invalid Info.plist value. The value of the EXExtensionPointldentifier key,, in the Info.plist of "" is invalid. We were working on new iOS18 Contacts Provider extension and when try to test the feature in testflight we were unable to submit the build and getting the above error. The extensionPointldentifier '' was auto generated by xcode and apple doc mentioned the same value to use for Contacts Provider extension support. But it is not accepting in testflight. Any help will be appreciated.
Aug ’24
ContactAccessButton and ContactAccessPicker issues
We are trying to adopt the new iOS18 ContactAccessButton and ContactAccessPicker in our app and we are facing below issues and requirements in UI and functionality. is there a way to optionally hide the ContactAccessButton UI when there is no matching results ?. The search button in the ContactAccessButton UI is not working when showing no matches and browse contacts. The console showing below error #ContactsButton response after touch -- Should not show UI #ContactsButton: match for callback was unexpectedly nil? The ContactAccessPicker view and contact selection view opened from ContactAccessButton - view results are not presented properly. The presented view not fully covered the presenting screen and blank screen appears in edges Cancel button in ContactAccessPicker UI when list shown is not working.
Aug ’24
Adding Contact to Device Contacts app crashing in macOS ventura
We are using CNSaveRequest in CNContactStore to add contacts to system device contacts. But when calling execute method the app crashing in internal libraries.The code was working fine until macOS Monetery, In macOS Ventura beta we are facing this issue. Sample Code: let store = CNContactStore() store.requestAccess(for: .contacts, completionHandler: { isSuccess,error in guard isSuccess else { return } let contact = CNMutableContact() contact.familyName = "Hello" contact.givenName = "Contact" let request = CNSaveRequest() request.add(contact, toContainerWithIdentifier: nil) do { try store.execute(request) } catch { print(error) } }) Crash:
Oct ’22
AppShortcutsProvider pharses not recognizable by Siri
We have implemented AppIntents in iOS16 and the shortcuts are working fine when manually added in shortcuts app. But the shortcuts created programaticaly using AppShortcutsProvider with AppShortcutsPhrases are not at all recognized by Siri. The AppIntents core feature is zero setup shortcuts, but it is not working as expected. Please suggest any fix for this. Sample Code: struct NotesShortcutProvider: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { let shortcut = AppShortcut(intent: ShowTodayTasks(), phrases: ["Show today tasks","show my tasks today"]) return [shortcut] } } Tried with applicationName as well but no luck.
Aug ’22
Restrict existing siri intents based shortcuts for iOS16
Hello, we are trying to implement our app shortcuts using the new App Intents framework. But the problem is existing siri intents based shortcuts also available in shortcuts app which results in duplication of shortucuts. Is there any way to restrict siri intents based shortcuts for iOS16 and only show app intents based shortcuts in Shortcuts app. We were unable to add any kind of target checks in intent definition file or info plist. Please provide any suggestions.
Jul ’22
Price Locale not available in Product
In the latest Product object we are unable to get the price locale of the current product. Even though the display price string available with currency symbol, we need to display discount price of current product by comparing with other products. Earlier in SKProduct we had price locale property to achieve this.But in latest Product object we are missing this. Is there a way to get the price locale of the current storefront?. There is a countryCode property in Storefront enum. But there is no option to create locale using country code.
Aug ’21
App supported languages not shown in mac appstore
Hi, We have an Mac Catalyst universal bundle app which support multiple languages(French,Spanish,German etc). But the languages are not getting displayed in Mac AppStore, only English is displayed under languages. The related iOS app (same bundle id) showing all supported languages in AppStore. The supported languages are available in Mac system preferences under my app language settings. We have also added the supported languages under app store connect localization is there anything specific we need to do, to show all supported languages in mac appstore for universal bundle app?
Dec ’20