Getting validation failed error as Invalid Provisional Profile

Asset validation failed (90283) Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle [] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the macOS Developer Portal. (ID: xxxxxxxx-e193-4623-8dbe-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

I get the above error while uploading .pkg which is electron web app bundled through electron-bundler file through transporter for testFlight.

You tagged your question with both Mac App Store and Notarization. These are kinda mutually exclusive:

  • You only need to do asset validation if you’re targeting the Mac App Store.

  • You only need to do notarisation if you’re distributing independently.

So, how do you plan to distribute your product?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Getting validation failed error as Invalid Provisional Profile