Mac App Store

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Posts under Mac App Store tag

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Mac app icon given black background by App Store Connect
I have a new, unreleased app in App Store Connect. The Mac app icon is a rounded rect with transparent border. For some reason, the "Included Assets App Icon" has a black background in App Store Connect. The black background also appears in the TestFlight app. The issue doesn't appear to be specific to the new app's icon, because I tried uploading a build with another icon, from an already released Mac app, and App Store Connect also gave that a black background. The app icon displays correct at runtime on macOS. The black background is a phenomenon only of App Store Connect and TestFlight. My theory is that App Store Connect is confused and still treating the app icon as if it were iOS rather than Mac. During development, the app has gone through a transition: first it was iOS on Mac, then it was Catalyst, and now finally it's AppKit. If the App Store Connect record for the app has some kind of iOS or Catalyst flag, I have no idea how to reset the flag. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Xcode 16 Crash While Validating (
Hello, We're attempting to validate our application archive through Xcode but the application is crashing during the validate step and we're not sure why. Platform: macOS 15.1 Arch: arm64 We've confirmed that our developer agreements are up to date (a suggestion made by other posts on these forums). Other suggestions have been to downgrade Xcode but we're hoping there's another explanation. The application is quite complex - many libraries and framework - but executes as expected during development and testing. Crash Report Any insight into this error would be appreciated. We're sure it's something wrong with our plist or archive structure but the crash is limiting our ability to debug.
Why is my app not available on the Mac App Store
Hi, I recently created Peek Transit, and I was wondering why my app shows "Not Compatible With This Device" on the Mac App Store. In Xcode, I tested my app both for the "Design for IPad" and "Catalyst" options on my mac, and In both cases it worked as expected with no errors or warnings. In the App Store Connect, I have checked the "Make Available on MacOS" box and selected the minimum compatible OS version. The issue doesn't seem to be just in my mac as the app is marked as not available for mac at all in the device requirements of the app store page. Here is the Github Repo if you want to take a look at what I have in the info.plist. Thanks, Ayman
Feb ’25
People Can download my app without pay anything
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I've had an issue with one of my apps since November 2024. I recently realized that people can download my app without paying anything. I'm not making any profit, and the stats show no financial transactions. The countries where this is happening include the UAE, the USA, and recently Benin. I don’t understand what’s going on. I reached out to support, but they haven’t addressed my claims. Does anyone have any information or an explanation?
Feb ’25
Sandbox Permissions for Clipboard Monitoring and Modification in a macOS App
Hello, I’m developing a sandboxed macOS app using Qt, which will be distributed via the Mac App Store. The app: Monitors the clipboard to store copied items. Overrides the paste function of the operating system via keyboard shortcuts. Modifies clipboard content, replacing what the user pastes with stored data. So, I have some questions: Can a sandboxed app continuously read and modify clipboard content? What entitlements are required? What permissions should I request from the user to ensure that my app works? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Beril Bayram
Jan ’25
MacOS Desktop application crashed Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid))
we are trying to build MacOS Desktop app using electron code sign-in and notarization has completed basically it is angular application but still unable to open the desktop app getting below error pop-up : screenshot of it. CrashReporter Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Hardware Model: MacBook Pro (Obfuscated) Process: xnode [5798] Path: /Applications/[App Path]/Contents/MacOS/xnode Identifier: ai.xnode.xnode Version: 1.0.0 ( Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Role: Default Parent Process: launchd [1] Coalition: ai.xnode.xnode [5056] Date/Time: [Redacted for Privacy] OS Version: macOS 14.6.1 (23G93) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid)) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: CODESIGNING 1 Taskgated Invalid Signature Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld_path_missing 0x10dbb4010 _dyld_start + 0 1 main_executable_path_missing 0x10b395000 ??? Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): rax: 0x0000000000000000 rbx: 0x0000000000000000 rcx: 0x0000000000000000 rdx: 0x0000000000000000 rdi: 0x0000000000000000 rsi: 0x0000000000000000 rbp: 0x0000000000000000 rsp: 0x00007ff7b4b6abf8 rip: 0x000000010dbb4010
Dec ’24
Use IOKit to access usb in MacOS
Hi, I am trying to develop MacOS application which will be connecting to USB devices and should be available in AppStore. So it must be Sandbox and probably I've to use permission I've following requirements: I need to detect USB devices with file system I need to have ability to upload & download files from this device I need to read device serial number I wonder if I can use IOKit for this and it will be compliant with AppStore rules or not?
Nov ’24
Trouble Creating An Apple Silicon (arm64 only) PKG
I'm running into issues creating a valid .pkg file for I'm building an Electron app for the Mac App Store. I have a working build that's live, but I've encountered issues on x86 architectures. The delivery process fails with the following error: Asset validation failed (90981) Invalid bundle. The “com.XXXX.***.pkg/Payload/” bundle supports arm64 but not Intel-based Mac computers. Your build must include the x86_64 architecture to support Intel-based Mac computers. For details, view: (ID: 56e46e1a-6e77-4468-80e6-249ec8990fa8) My build script that creates the .app and code signs the application uses the productbuild utility to create the .pkg. This is the command: productbuild --sign "$INSTALLER_KEY" --product "./build/requirements.plist" --component "$APP_PATH" /Applications "$RESULT_PATH" From my research, I would have assumed that the requirements property list was all that I would need to specify for the .pkg. This is this contents of /build/requirements.plist/: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>arch</key> <array> <string>arm64</string> </array> </dict> </plist> The application included in the .pkg is correctly built for arm64 and I've verified this with: lipo -archs /Path/To/ arm64 Other research ha led me to solutions via Xcode, but as stated at the beginning I'm using Electron. Any suggestions or insights would be very beneficial.
Nov ’24
App Flagged 3.2(f)
We are a team of beginner developers, and we recently published our game (made in Unity) on the App Store for both macOS and iOS. It was live for about 15 days until three days ago, when we received a notice from Apple that our account had been flagged for removal. The email mentioned that our game violates section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. We've been trying to identify the issue since then, but we're not involved in any fraudulent activities. Any guidance on how to resolve this would be a huge help. Thanks.
Nov ’24
Pkg installation package uploaded to macstore email prompt ITMS-90296
Hello! I encountered an issue while packaging and uploading the project to the Mac store. I received an email stating: ITMS-90296: App Sandbox not enabled - The following executors must include the 'com. apple. security. app sandbox' entitlement with a Boolean value of true in the entitlement property list: [[com. electron. iflyrecclient. pkg/Payload/iFlytek Listen. app/Contents/MacOS/iFlytek Listen]] Refer to App Sandbox page at for more information on sandboxing your app. Though you are not required to fix the following issues, we wanted to make you aware of them: ITMS-90886: 'Cannot be used with TestFlight because the signature for the bundle at' iFlytek hears. app 'is missing an application identifier but has an application identifier in the provisioning profile for the bundle.' Bundles with application identifiers in the provisioning profile are expected to have the same identifier signed into the bundle in order to be eligible for TestFlight.' But in my memory, the sandbox was set to true. I have also tried the methods in the forum, but they have not been resolved,I hope you can help me see what happened. Here are the specific situations I developed, This project is built and developed using electron9; The entire project was not developed using Xcode; The specific process of packaging into pkg is as follows: Step 1: Use an electron packager to package the app file Step 2: Use electron/osx sign to sign the entire app file (with options such as entitlement and provisioning profile configured) Step 3: Use the productbuild -- component Yourappname. app/Applications -- sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: *** *** (XXXXXXXXXX)" Yourappname. pkg command to generate the pkg package Step 4: Upload to transporter The above operations were executed normally, and after the second step of signing, using the codesign dvvv -- entities -provided on the official website to query also showed that the sandbox was true. However, after the upload was successful, you will receive an email showing an issue, and the corresponding uploaded version cannot be found on the app connect website Hope to receive your answer. Wishing you good health and smooth work! PS: When generating the app, there is no sandbox related configuration in Info.Plist in the app content package. Is this normal? I checked the info.Plist of Google Chrome, Sogou Input Method and other software, and there is no sandbox configuration. Moreover, I tried manually adding it and then packaging it, but also encountered the same email problem.
Dec ’24
Validate fail Archive bundle is invalid Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path
This bundle is invalid. Unable to load ‘Info.plist’ for bundle at path: ‘My’.. This mdimporter is embedded in my app with a Copy step in Build Phases and when I Archive the compiled app, I get that error when I try to Validate. The app works OK, the mdimporter Spotlight works OK, all runs fine. But the Validate on the Archive does not work, it fails with that error.
Nov ’24
Mac App Store receipt validation exit(173) Not Available on Sequoia
I have 6 Mac App Store apps. They're all upfront paid, with no IAP, and they've all used the same on-device Mac App Store receipt validation code for years, which returns 173 in main() if there's not a valid receipt. Incidentally, the apps are entirely Objective-C. I've just learned that if I compile an app with Xcode 16 and the macOS 15 SDK, I get the alert "exit(173) Not Available" when the app returns 173 on macOS 15 Sequoia. The rest of the alert text says, "The exit(173) API is no longer available. You can use Transaction.all or AppTransaction.shared to verify in-app purchases instead." I have several questions: Why was this done? Where is this behavior change documented? What are my options, given the above description of my apps?
Oct ’24
Submitting in-app purchases
I have got from App Review Team this same feedback during several months: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please be sure to take action and submit your in-app purchases and upload a new binary in App Store Connect so we can proceed with our review. I am unable to understand and implement what is meant by the feedback: … take action … What "action" to take? … submit your in-app purchases … How to "submit in-app purchases"? I know how to submit my app but how "submitting in-app purchases”? My app contains no separate in-app purchases but several pathways through the app. The app's code contains three flags that act as signposts on user’s way through the app (Basic, Standard, Premium). The signposts are not extra content and features distributed on the App Store. They are existing parts in the app from the very beginning. They are activated according to the model user chooses (Basic, Standard, Premium) and loads down from the App Store. I try to solve the problem since several months - without success. Links offer no solution. Links say what one can do but not how to do it. What is missing are a couple of lines of code I can adapt and integrate into my app's Objective-C code. Best regards gefa
Oct ’24
[macOS] Failed to perform in-line receipt renewal for application at path
Hello, I have a customer who keeps getting an "app is damaged" error for a freshly downloaded app from the Mac App Store. The logs show the following lines: standard 12:58:40.390872+0200 storeuid Receipt Validation (at.EternalStorms.Yoink) Signature Check: PASS Bundle ID Check: PASS Bundle Version Check: PASS GUID Check: PASS Expiration Check: PASS standard 12:58:40.391649+0200 storelegacy StoreLegacy: Failed to perform in-line receipt renewal for application at path /Applications/ : '(null)' The Mac in question is running macOS 12 Monterey - curiously, the customer has another Mac with that same system version and there it works just fine. What can be done to make this work again? Thank you, – Matthias
Oct ’24
[macOS] AppTransaction questions (internet connection requirement)
Hello, I hope to find out more about how AppTransaction works on macOS, specifically about its internet connection requirements: if I use this to validate that the app is a legit purchase from the Mac App Store, I would not want it to have an always-on requirement just to validate. Does AppTransaction require the user to always be online for AppTransaction.shared ? When an app is downloaded from the Mac App Store, is the data needed for AppTransaction automatically embedded during that download, or is that data downloaded upon first launch of the app, therefore requiring an internet connection at launch time? Once the data/receipt has been downloaded by AppTransaction, is it cached until the app's next update, or is it cleared at some time during the version's life and needs to be re-downloaded, therefore requiring an internet connection at launch? Where is that receipt/data stored? Also, if you don't mind me sneaking in this non-related but sort of related question, in terms of receipt validation: Does macOS Sequoia's MAC address rotation feature affect receipt validation in any way when using IOKit? Thank you kindly, – Matthias
Oct ’24
[Mac App Store] Sudden increase in " is damaged and can't be opened" errors when launching Mac App Store app
Hi, I've recently observed a sudden increase in support requests for one of my apps on the Mac App Store, reporting the error " is damaged and can't be opened. Please re-download it from the Mac App Store", all on different systems: macOS 12, macOS 13, and macOS 15 Sequoia. Re-downloading does not resolve the issue most of the time. One user reported that being connected to the internet resolved it - perhaps this is an OCSP issue again? I myself cannot reproduce this issue. Has there been a change in code-signing recently? Have some certificates changed? Anything else I should be aware of? What is the best course of action to have users take who experience this, when re-downloading the app from the Mac App Store does not work? Thank you, – Matthias
Oct ’24
macOS 15.1 Beta 5: Mac App Store unable to install apps "The file “preflight.pfpkg” doesn’t exist"
Hello everyone, Ever since installing macOS 15.1 beta 5 on this M1 13’’ MacBook Pro, I have been unable to install or update any application from the Mac App Store. I keep getting the following error: “The file “preflight.pfpkg” doesn’t exist.””. The same machine was fine with 15.0 Sequoia and the problem happens regardless of the region setting of the machine. The machine has at least 148 GB of free disk space on the SSD. The same app I was trying to install from the MAS app I could install from the provider’s website (WhatsApp in this case, but I have tried with other apps too). Has anyone noticed it before? Raised the following Feedback ID if it can help: FB15296904 Kind Regards, Goffredo
Oct ’24
Mac App Store Bug Fix Updates Getting Blocked, Reviewer Sending "App Sandbox Design Guide" Broken Link
My app, which has been on the Mac App Store for many years, has an update being blocked by App review. The only change made is a bug fix (documented in the release notes). First rejection: Said I was using an entitlement I didn't need. My response: I explained the feature that required the entitlement. App goes back in review and gets rejected again for completely different reasons. They don't want me to write files in my App Sandbox container and instead write them in a more traditional user facing location (like in the Documents folder). They keep sending me a link to the "App Sandbox Design Guide" in the Documentation Archive (which appears to redirect to a different page?) and are quoting a section that is nowhere to be found in the link they send me (on the page I'm redirected to). I keep explaining to them that I cannot write outside my sandbox container and that this isn't my choice. And they keep rejecting my app and sending me a broken link to the "App Sandbox design guide." It isn't my fault that I have to write to my sandboxed container by default or have a non-functioning app. In any case, I don't understand why a bug fix update is being held up and I'm getting some vague instructions about possibly having to design some long winded explanation to the user in some ridiculously complicated onboarding process about choosing a folder in a save panel, why you have to choose the folder in the save panel (because I need your permission), OR just quit the app you just bought because it'll otherwise do nothing if you don't choose a folder in the save panel. Users got enough panels to deal with. At the very least App review shouldn't send me broken links from the Documentation Archive. So I'm using my sandbox container by default (because by default I cannot do anything else). I've been doing this for a long time and I don't understand why it is suddenly a problem. What is my sandboxed container for if I can't write to it? If documentation such as the "App Sandbox Design Guide" is still relevant and important why is it being archived anyway ? The link redirects I cannot find the section the reviewer is citing in the provided link. I don't mind being asked to do something to improve the app but I've wasted a lot of time trying to satisfy app review in the past only to misinterpret what they actually are asking me to do causing more wasted time and energy and not getting a whole lot in return. And I don't think it's fair to block a bug fix update.
Sep ’24
Quick question about the "container-migration.plist" file
Apple provides a way for the app developer to migrate app data from previous locations to the Mac App Store app container folder, see Migrating your app’s files to its App Sandbox container. My question is, it seems this feature only allows us to migrate or move the existing app files into the sandbox folder, however, I'd like to "copy" these files instead of "move" them. Instead of using the "Move" key in the plist file, I have already tried "Copy" key and it didn't work.
Sep ’24