I have problem with fcm flutter notification on ios

I have enabled developer mode in flutter app development. I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send notifications. everything works fine There is a notification coming to the normal app. But after a while I can no longer send notifications to the app.


The fcm device token doesn't seem to work. This caused me to request a new fcm device token. and after using it for a while, it came back like the first time

Is this caused by the APN token being canceled? or caused by enabling developer mode to develop apps.

I have the same problem, any solution?

In my project have all configurations:

  • APN certificate in firebase
  • GooglePlay Info plist file in ios/runner folder
  • AppDelegate swift permissions and initialization of firebase
  • Flutter configurations
  • FirebaseMessaging.instance.getAPNsToken returns the APN token
  • FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken returns the push token
  • Push token results is "InvalidRegistration" in first call, and others call return "NotRegistered"

I try all forum solutions, but any work

I have problem with fcm flutter notification on ios