Guidance on whether to use Apple Pay Merchant vs In-App Purchase (Capabilities)

We are trying to implement Apple pay support for our application and we're unsure of whether we should implement Apple Pay Merchant / In App Purchasing. (as an in app capability)

Here is an executive summary of our use cases.

-The app acts as a store front that matches popular content creators and users.

-Members can pay and request content creators to make a video (happy birthday for example). Creators will make a response and send this to the user directly through the app.

-Members can pay to send content creators direct messages

So the app acts as sort of a marketplace, but the exchanged good even though it is tangible (a video you can re-share), isn't physical. Our app takes an X% cut, then pays the content creator.

So we aren't sure whether this qualifies as an in app purchase or not from a technical standpoint, or whether we can just implement apple pay transactions. Happy to do either one, just don't want to go down the wrong path and then get the app rejected.

Guidance on whether to use Apple Pay Merchant vs In-App Purchase (Capabilities)