App Store and my own Rest API


I am new to the Forum, so sorry if my question is obvious.

I have developed an app which I wish to distribute via the App Store, possibly charge for the app.

It talks to a REST API I have developed and host on a publicly accessible server with SSL.

Will my App be accepted if it talks to my API, or do I need to make it available to everyone, including documentation etc. I assume I can still restrict access using API Keys and the like?

Any help would be most appreciated


Will my App be accepted if it talks to my API



Thanks. I think I was getting confused about the definition of a public and private api, but the following helped:

”A private REST API is meant to be accessed within a restricted network or by authorized users only. It’s not publicly accessible over the internet and often requires authentication to ensure secure access. On the other hand, a public REST API is open to the internet and can be accessed by anyone. It might have rate limits or authentication mechanisms to control usage, but the key distinction is its accessibility to a wider audience.”

It sounds like you asked CatGPT to explain Apple’s rules about not using their private APIs, and it gave you one of its plausible-sounding but completely wrong answers.

So if you have a better answer that would be great please

App Store and my own Rest API