Xcode Canvas Simulator cause multiple diagnosticd processes to run and 100% CPU

The Xcode Canvas Simulator (for Xcode 14 and even 15 ..beta 6) cause multiple springboard and diagnosticd processes to run at nearly 100% CPU , cause the MacBook M1 to heat. This happens every time. This is usually triggered after the Canvas show an error which live previewing the code as I edit it.

I have tried clearing the derived data but it doesn't seem to help. This happens with all projects. I am unable to use live previews because of this issue.

The are often other processes with the string Poster in them. Like PhotosPosterProvider , CollectionsPoster , ExtragalacticPoster running high on usage at the same time.

Answered by Developer Tools Engineer in 774761022

FYI: This is fixed in iOS 17.2, which is in Xcode 15.1


Sorry to hear you are having performance problems while using previews. The best next step will be to file a feedback with diagnostics so we can take a look.

Steps to generate helpful diagnostics:

  1. Download and install the logging profile on all devices involved. Instructions and profiles are available here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?name=swift
  2. Reproduce the issue
  3. Click the "Diagnostics" button in the error banner in Previews' Canvas area (or if the banner is missing you can use the menu: Editor > Canvas > Diagnostics)
  4. In the sheet that appears, click "Generate Report" in the bottom left of the sheet
  5. Attach (or make from the folder) the resulting zip file to the bug (will be named something like previews-diagnostics-0123456789.zip)
  6. Generate the sysdiagnose(s) and attach those too

The issue persists. Drained the laptop battery overnight. I have filed a feedback with the sysdiagnose file. How can I know how and when the issue has a solution ?

Force quitting all *poster processes , helps resolve the issue for some time.

Problem still persists in Xcode 15 RC.

Problem persists in oficial Xcode 15 version.

Same Xcode 15 official release here and even without using Previews or Simulators but just Xcode open I had 2 SpringBoards at +100% CPU melting my computer.

Not sure if related, but I'm seeing 100% CPU use on tvOS projects. Soon as I open up Interface Builder (storyboards), launchd_sim and PineBoard processes wind up and peg physical CPUs at 100%. On Intel MacBook Pro. Xcode latest release. iOS projects are fine. FB13225766

I'm getting the same problem in Xcode 15 and Xcode 15.1 beta 1. All the poster extensions go crazy and you need to manually kill them or they burn CPU forever. There exists a GitHub project (https://github.com/biscuitehh/yeetd) that aims to simply kill them all in a loop:

while true
    pkill AegirPoster
    pkill InfographPoster
    pkill CollectionsPoster
    pkill ExtragalacticPoster
    pkill KaleidoscopePoster
    pkill EmojiPosterExtension
    pkill AmbientPhotoFramePosterProvider
    pkill PhotosPosterProvider
    pkill AvatarPosterExtension
    pkill GradientPosterExtension
    pkill MonogramPosterExtension
    pkill apsd
    sleep 5

however installing a daemon to do this seems like overkill (pun?).

This is still not fixed in Xcode 15. This is a know issue.

The root of these Simulator memory issues are entitlements. There is also high CPU usage for the same reason.

https://federated.saagarjha.com/notice/AZvHeDBVoEaxOXhCgi https://mastodon.social/@chockenberry/111177139137676509

I'm presenting the same issue with the official release of Xcode 15 on macOS Sonoma (I did a clean install and same result) I hope this can be fixed soon.

I'm not running anything in the simulator and still using a high amount of CPU (about 40% on a M1 Max), in my laptop this means that my battery will drain quite fast and high temperature.

After closing Xcode and Simulator the CPU idling goes back to about 96%.

Here is a screenshot of the processes, this was taken with the simulator idling and Xcode doing nothing:

Same issue here, while previewing in SwiftUi M2 get heated up a lot, like a lot. Is there any fix for this bug?????

Having the same here and the heat is unbelievable :|

Boggling how long this issue has persisted. If someone leaves Xcode running while the MacBook is on a charger overnight , the MacBook is going to be toast by morning

The problem still persist. Very annoying (MacBook Pro M2 Pro) Any work around?

Same issue here, MBP M2 Max, Xcode 15.0.1

Same issue here, MacBookPro M2 Max, Xcode 15.0.1

Here also, MBA M2, Sonoma 14.0, Xcode Version 15.0.1 (15A507)

Same issue here, MacBookPro M2 Max, Xcode 15.0.1. But it looks like the problem got solved with the macOS 14.1 update.

Same issue here. MacBook Pro M1 Pro, Sonoma 14.1, Xcode 15.0.1.

Same issue. Xcode 15 and 15.0.1 have this issue. Sonoma 14.0 and 14.1 makes no difference. The Simulator not only takes up a huge amount of CPU, but a huge amount of RAM. Crazy. Has no one at Apple noticed this??

uninstall iOS Simulator 17, install iOS Simulator 15 or 16. They will work fine. However, xcode requires iOS 17 installed, do not delete it.

**iOS is not the same as iOS Simulator. ** Good luck

Killing Poster processes, Springboard and diagnosticd fixed it for me. I expect it to reappear though. What an absolute pain.

I have to download the simulator for iOS 15.5 on iPhone 14 to prevent my macbook getting hot. Xcode -> Window -> Devices and Simulators -> Simulators -> + (bottom left) -> Device Type: iPhone 14 -> OS version: Download more simulator runtimes... -> + (bottom left) -> iOS -> iOS 15.5 Simulator. Yes its old ios but I dont want to drain my battery that fast and ruin the battery health.

I did a bit of profiling with instruments. Looks like we can't fix it on our side.

diagnosticd spending 35% on JSON parsing...

and SpringBoard simply cycling in the wait most of the time? trying to connect-disconnect - 25% ??

Hi there everyone, I just wanted to give you a headsup that this is not only happening locally but also big CI providers have this problem and are trying to mitigate the issue: https://discuss.circleci.com/t/severe-performance-problems-with-xcode-15/49205/110 The last post (https://discuss.circleci.com/t/severe-performance-problems-with-xcode-15/49205/110) gives hope that the issue will be resolved with Xcode 15.1...

Xcode Canvas Simulator cause multiple diagnosticd processes to run and 100% CPU