DeviceActivityReport based views are blank on iOS 16 whith apps built with Xcode 15 beta

Hi ! We are super exited to switch to Xcode 15 when it will be released, but we have a major issue : Apps built with Xcode 15 beta fail to show DeviceActivityReport base view on iOS 16.

The following message shows in the console :

] [default] LaunchServices: store (null) or url (null) was nil: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-54 "process may not map database" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=process may not map database, _LSLine=66, _LSFunction=_LSServer_GetServerStoreForConnectionWithCompletionHandler}
2023-07-31 14:54:12.568332+0200 Opal[57940:4651501] [default] Attempt to map database failed: permission was denied. This attempt will not be retried.
2023-07-31 14:54:12.568420+0200 Opal[57940:4651501] [db] Failed to initialize client context with error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-54 "process may not map database" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=process may not map database, _LSLine=66, _LSFunction=_LSServer_GetServerStoreForConnectionWithCompletionHandler}

We Opened a bug report at the end of june but got no answer from Apple (FB12416769). It's 100% reproductible with a very simple sample project

If you guys could report the issue as well, it would be nice !

We have also filed a bug report (FB13056211) for the exact same issue.

This is a MAJOR problem for all apps using DeviceActivityReport views. We hope it's going to be fixed in time for the iOS 17 official release!

@Kmart @eskimo Any help on this will be appreciated :)

+1 also submitted: FB13066529

The issue still arises when compiling on an iOS 16 device with Xcode 15.0 beta 8 (15A5229m).

The issue persists when compiling on an iOS 16 device using Xcode 15.0 RC 1 (15A240d). This is incredibly frustrating because the public release of iOS 17 is imminent. Currently, we cannot submit builds that take advantage of the new features in iOS 17 without compromising the experience for a significant portion of our user base—until a majority of our users upgrade to iOS 17.

For developers reading this thread:

I invite you to file a bug report to Apple using the Feedback Assistant app and to upvote this thread massively.

For anyone working on or related to the Screen Time API frameworks:

Could you please provide us with an update on this situation? Thank you.

Hi everyone !

Apple just announced that Xcode 15 will be mandatory to publish app updates starting April 2024 (

This is making this bug critical as we will have to drop iOS 16 if we want to update our apps containing DeviceActivityReport.

I have a sad news for you guys, I've got an answer on my radar following my DTS, this issue won't be fixed. No answer yet on the DTS itself yet

Here's Apple answer to the DTS, basically we don't care, manage the problem yourself :

According to the latest update in Feedback ID #FB12416769, the reported problem will not be fixed in iOS 16. We recommend that your company takes whatever steps it can to have the remainder of the App user base update to iOS 17 or higher.

DeviceActivityReport based views are blank on iOS 16 whith apps built with Xcode 15 beta