AppIntent timing out after around 25s. Are there solutions or alternatives?

I am launching an app intent from a widget button tap, which, in turn, executes a task in the background that can take up to 40 seconds.

This task fails to execute completely most times, as the time out period is around 25 to 30 seconds.

Is there any way to work around the app intent time limit? User feedback is not important, as this interacts with an external physical device, so the user knows the state from looking at said device.

I was considering other alternatives for when the task fails to execute completely, like prompting the user to continue the task, but this doesn't seem like a valid solution, as there is no way to do this foreground interfacing from a widget.

I am completely stumped with this. This was a problem with the old Intents, and it seems like it's still a problem with the new App Intents. I wish Apple would allow developers to control how much the intent would take to timeout.

AppIntent timing out after around 25s. Are there solutions or alternatives?