Not receiving DID_RENEW/EXPIRED webhooks on sandbox

I'm trying to implement an IAP subscripton and I am not receiving DID_RENEW/EXPIRED webhook calls.

Looking through previous forum posts this may just be breaking randomly, is there something currently broken or is there likely some setup I'm missing?

Note: I'm using ngrok to test this locally, and I successfully get the initial subscription and DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS events.

Nevermind, the events just came much later than expected. I assumed that if an expiration date was set 5 min in the future, the even would come within 20% of the total time, not 5 minutes late, so I just never saw the event.

Ok actually I get them extremely sporadically, this is making it pretty much impossible to test consistently, is there a trick to make sure RENEW and EXPIRE notifications happen consitenty?

If you have examples, please let us know. Additionally you can slow down the renewal rate for the Apple ID you are testing with to allow more time for the end to end verification.

Not receiving DID_RENEW/EXPIRED webhooks on sandbox