Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)" when making in-app purchase

I encountered an error with the following message while attempting to make an in-app purchase on iOS:

"Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x281ec3840 {Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=907 "(null)" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x281ec3720 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=6 "Payment Sheet Failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Payment Sheet Failed, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=200, AMSServerPayload={ "cancel-purchase-batch" = 1; customerMessage = "Sign in with Apple ID"; dialog = { cancelButtonString = Cancel; defaultButton = Buy; explanation = "Enter the password for %%appleId%% to authorise this transaction."; initialCheckboxValue = 1; kind = authorization; "m-allowed" = 0; message = "Sign in with Apple ID"; okButtonAction = { buyParams = ""; itemName = "IAP_id_02_1500_product06"; kind = Buy; }; okButtonString = Buy; paymentSheetInfo = { caseControl = true; confirmationTitle = Pay; countryCode = ID; currency = IDR; designVersion = 2; flexList = ( { value = ( { style = priceMain; value = "Rp\U00a0249ribu"; }, { style = priceSub; value = "One-time charge"; } ); }, { style = account; value = "Account: %%appleId%%"; } ); images = ( { type = itunesgames; value = "17+"; } ); price = 249000; requestor = AppStore; salableIcon = ""; salableIconType = app; salableInfo = (); styles = ( { bold = true; name = priceMain; size = large; }, { color = gray; name = priceSub; }, { color = gray; name = account; } ); suppressPrice = true; title = { type = text; value = "App\U00a0Store"; }; }; }; failureType = ""; "m-allowed" = 0; metrics = { actionUrl = ""; dialogId = "MZCommerceInAppBuy.ConfirmationNeededForBuyOneItem.CPS.Auth"; eventType = dialog; message = "Sign in with Apple ID"; mtEventTime = "2023-07-11 12:38:00 Etc/GMT"; mtTopic = "xp_its_main"; osloTitleType = text; osloTitleValue = "AbstractSalableInfoModule.AppStore"; topic = "xp_its_main"; }; pings = ( "" ); "tid-dialog" = { cancelButtonString = Cancel; explanation = "MZCommerceInAppBuy.ConfirmationNeededForBuyOneItem.CPS.Auth.TID_explanation"; kind = authorization; message = "MZCommerceInAppBuy.ConfirmationNeededForBuyOneItem.CPS.Auth.TID_message"; paymentSheetInfo = { caseControl = true; confirmationTitle = Pay; countryCode = ID; currency = IDR; designVersion = 2; flexList = ( { value = ( { style = priceMain; value = "Rp\U00a0249ribu"; }, { style = priceSub; value = "One-time charge"; } ); }, { style = account; value = "Account: %%appleId%%"; } ); images = ( { type = itunesgames; value = "17+"; } ); price = 249000; requestor = AppStore; salableIcon = ""; salableIconType = app; salableInfo = ( ); styles = ( { bold = true; name = priceMain; size = large; }, { color = gray; name = priceSub; }, { color = gray; name = account; } ); suppressPrice = true; title = { type = text; value = "App\U00a0Store"; }; }; touchIDButtonAction = { buyParams = ""; itemName = "IAP_id_02_1500_product06"; kind = Buy; }; }; }, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Payment sheet dismissed with neither an error nor a result}}}}}".

I would like assistance in understanding and resolving this issue.

Same issue here. I tried it in Sandbox and in beta testing through testflight. Making a test purchase through the sandbox account in the app store settings also does not work.

Here are the device logs (personal information has been censored)

I solved the issue I had. Turns out I didn't set the StoreKit config in my scheme.

Go to "Edit Scheme" -> "Run" and check if the config is set. If not, follow this guide:

It should look something like this if the scheme is set up correctly:

Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)" when making in-app purchase