In app Purchase handle Refund Request


I used the functionality In-app Purchase to my iOS application.

When I cancel the order within no of days period after I place the order?, Que. 1) What is the status of my refund? Que. 2) If Apple initiates the refund, How can I get the status of my refund? Que. 3) According to my research, I checked that When Apple processes the refund, It sends a Server notification to handle the order status in the bacend.

My need is I want to handle such things while Apple processes any refund,

I need proper docs or flow to handle the refund server notification.

If there are any APIs that need to be called to get the refund-related data by transaction id then its also helpful for me.

Make note : All the things Firstly I implement in sandbox environment. so please give me solution according to that.

In app Purchase handle Refund Request