Failed to perform Annual Membership Subscription

Dear Support Team,

Just to let you know that I am still struggling on making payment for Annual Membership Subscription Payments through VISA Card where it comes with a message that the payment transaction can not be completed.

I even visited the Bank Offices to ask for the reason and confirmed that currently there is scarcity of US Dollars in the Market so they have restricted some payments from Tanzanian Shillings to US dollars. So they asked me if your end can send me the bill in USD so that the Bank can make payments to you by debiting my account. This is due to the fact that the Annual Membership Subscription Window displays the figure in Tanzanian Shillings instead of US Dollars

In this regard kindly help to resolve the matter as currently I am stacked on uploading the IOS apps for use.

Waiting to hear from your end soon.


Any help please

Failed to perform Annual Membership Subscription