iOS 17 - default notification tone

iOS 17, the default notification tone is changed to - rebound instead of tri-tone. And now, it is too quite. Also, it can't be changed or replaced. Is it possible that it will be replaced/fixed ????

Absolutely HATE this change! Elder millennial who needs to actually hear when a notification comes through and it's crazy that this can't be customized like all the other sounds. Definitely needs to be fixed!

We were using tri-tone for important alerts. Now rebound volume is very weak (too quite) , not usfull, @ Apple kindly let us change it.

For the love of God, Apple, please let me change the "Rebound" sound of notifications to one that I can hear. I'm missing important notifications when my iPhone is in my pocket.

This unilateral decision is shameful! How can you, from your ivory tower, force all your customers all over the world to accept this fck... notification? At least give us the chance to change it, it's the least we can expect from a phone costing over $1000!

I don't even understand the rational behind this change. Apple, change it back or you're losing a customer to Android!

Fix it

Dear Apple Developers,

I immediately noticed the different push notifications sound after I upgraded to iOS 17. I have a dozen of security cameras that needs monitoring. I need to hear the alerts sound.

How many of these complaints, requests, discussions and amount of frustration Apple product users have to go through until Apple starts to listen and make some changes?


For us who uses third party apps, we are destroyed. I had to downgraded my iOS to 16. It took several hours to do just that. Thank you.

Being one that relies on push notifications for business, Apple's new Rebound Alert is costing me money. I have personally lost sales due to not hearing my alert as most of my business is fast paced and requires immediate attention. If this issue continues to go unnoticed and/or Apple refuses to fix this, a Class Action Lawsuit to recoup financial loss may be in order. Due to this alert being so inadequate, I have already spoken with my attorney regarding a grievance on the grounds of APPLE CHANGING MY PUSH NOTIFICATION ALERT TONE WITHOUT MY DIRECT CONSENT, APPLE'S LACK OF TRANSPARENCY REGARDING THIS CHANGE PRIOR TO IOS 17 DOWNLOAD and the INABILITY FOR THE USER TO CHANGE PUSH NOTIFICATION ALERT TONES. I paid for the device, I pay for the monthly service and they advertise a\Apple's ability to be "customizable," yet I am "forced" to use this Inaudible Rebound Alert.....makes no sense. Maybe an attorney will be able to make sense of it all.

This has to be the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things. Why fix something if it aint broke? C'Mon Apple.. you are better than this!

**This problem is quit annoying in deed.

I really hate my own phone right now :(**

I hope Apple provides the last default sound~ they usually do that well, I don't know what happened at this time lol

Apple, Given all of the unhappy people it seems the best fix for this would to make the new default(rebound) something that can be changed. That way those of us who rely on the sounds can make the change.

With the iOS 17.0.1 it was fixed. The sound was fixed and the vibro. And today I installed the iOS 17.0.2 - and now it is broken again......!!!!!!!!!!!!. HOW TO FIX IT????? how to request to change/fix this bug/feature ???????

The worst change Apple could have done. Why change something that nobody asked to or even complain about changing? The fact that they have changed the sound without consulting any of their users and on top of that not even giving us the ability to change it something else, it's just mind boggling to me. I have a galaxy fold 4 for my second phone and we have the ability to change ANY application's notification sound to ANY sound we want to. Why are you shackling us and locking us up in some type of cage apple? Giving us one very quiet notification sound and basically just saying "deal with it". It's insanely incredible after paying over $1000+ for a phone and not even being able to customize the smallest/one of the most important parts about a phone, a SIMPLE notification sound. Please fix this and at least let us change any application's notification sound, we all know it's possible because some apps have different ones by default. Do the right thing Apple

I used to recognise my trading app activities by that loud trip tone. Now I am missing many important trading activities because of this change. Atleast Apple should allow the customers to select the sound or increase volume only for that particular notification. Don't know why they are deleted user-friendly features?

I agree with all the complaints in here about the change. It seems like Apple is making the phone less customizable by doing this. It is also obvious that they don’t care what we think. After their response that it is a consumer problem, they are completely ignoring our comments.

This is a terrible change and I urge Apple to undo it. The new sound is practically inaudible. I use notifications as a safety and security measure: while I am working, I use a special do not disturb mode to allow only certain notifications, one of which is new activity from my Arlo cameras. I do this so that I know when a package has been left on my property and/or a person is on the premises. I can no longer hear the notifications if there is any ambient noise where I work, and there is always ambient noise where I work. This is extremely disappointing.

Seriously! PLEASE CHANGE THIS!!!! I'm missing Camera and Alarm notifications. You can't hear the darn notification.

For the record. The "Tri Tone" sound is there; they haven't deleted it. You can find it under classic tones. The problem is that you can't assign it as the default tone for any type of notifications. You used to be able to assign different tones to different apps, but I haven't been able to find that either.

As an added bonus, they also did the same thing with the alarm sound. I was able to assign a song and had that set up as my alarm. Now I can assign a song but the app reverts to using their "default" alarm tone.

I think the same as most of you; why pay for a $1,000+ device if you can't control the little things. Good thing I haven't upgraded from my 12pro. At this rate, I may never upgrade.

Developers screwed up big time, we all hate this. At least we want options to choose which tone and volume or simply change it back to what it used to be.

My notification sounds are all set to Milestone, yet it still plays the Rebound sound for every notification I get!! It really sounds like a failed call sound and I get super confused every single time...

seriously i hate this new notification tone , please change it to back or at least give us a choice to change it back !

This change is particularly egregious for people with Ring alarms who've relied on being able to clearly hear alerts sent when doors or windows are opened or closed. The barely audible "rebound" sound defeats a key feature of the security system. Either Apple needs to allow us to change the default sound for 3rd part app alerts -- or Ring needs to stop deferring to Apple and supply its own unique sound.

The most annoying part of this is the tones I have paid for and cannot use...get it together Apple and put it back to the way it was!! What a ridiculous update, or downdate actually! You're going backwards

I just downloaded the update to iOS 17.1, and was hoping against hope that the third party app notification sound would be changed back to tri-tone, or at least to a louder tone. But no. Does no one at Apple care that this stupid new tone is barely able to be heard? This is getting so effing annoying. Please, please, please fiix it! Now! Somebody there must have SOME brains and be able to fix this. You have had a gazzillion messages and requests to fix this...what is taking so long???

iOS 17 - default notification tone