iOS 17 - default notification tone

iOS 17, the default notification tone is changed to - rebound instead of tri-tone. And now, it is too quite. Also, it can't be changed or replaced. Is it possible that it will be replaced/fixed ????

Why did you lower the notification volume, Apple? I don't think this is beneficial for users. People can already turn off their notifications whenever they want. This really doesn't make sense.

What on earth were they thinking? How did this change even get by any kind of review? “Hey Frank, let’s stop allowing people to change the default notification sound, and oh yeah…change it to the quietest sound we have so nobody notices.” You can no longer even call it a “notification” if it in fact, fails to notify.

And Before getting your hopes up about iOS 17.1….nope, no fix!

i hate the new notification sound and not changeable guess ill get a android dumb move apple

unhappy with notification it needs to be changeable i guess ill get a deferent type of phone

The worst change ever, for me and my parents who don't hear the notifications! I was hoping a fix with 17.1, but nope. Thinking seriously to going back to Android :(

This is going to be a deal breaker for me. I have different tones for my Apps, and now they all sound the same, and the sound is too quiet. The links to my security camera must be much louder and have a different sound.

Agreed! "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" At a minimum, please give users the ability to customize the notification sound!

I just submitted feedback to apple/com/feedback

I agree with being able to change it. I have missed some important messages because I was unable to hear ringtone. Please fix it as soon as possible.

I agree. I just upgraded to iOS 17 and it's really hard on me that the notification sound on my locked screen is a quiet one that cannot be customized by contact or app. I had purposely assigned different text tones by contact so that I'd know which ones to respond to or ignore. Now that feature is gone, I feel like I've been set back technologically by a few years.

Very annoying this new notification sound. Especially when my iPhone is in my pocket, I don’t hear the push notifications from my apps anymore. @Apple developers: either reverse this modification asap at the next iOS 17 update or make it customizable, so that users can bring the tri-tone sound back.

PLEASE MAKE THIS CUSTOMIZABLE! I cannot hear the "rebound" at all when it is in my pocket. It is too subtle. I can only hear it when it my phone it in front of me or in my hand. I rely heavily on these notifications for work and this change is ruining my life by causing issues at work! I can't walk around all day with my phone in my hand. I will have to buy a different brand phone if this is not fixed! PLEASE HELP!!!!

I didn't notice until someone set off my burglar alarm and I missed the notification, appalled that I can't change the tone in general selections nor can I under the applications settings. UNACCEPTABLE to turn off notifications without being asked or able to restore functionality. This is a deal breaker. How do I revert to the previous iOS to restore the sounds until you fix this dangerous bug?

I agree this tone is too quiet - I rely on this feature with security notifications from SimpySafe security system and it is too quiet. Please let it be customizable

I am also struggling with this change, the sound is not near loud enough to hear. I also use this notication for my door alarm to warn me of a door opening, I can't even hear it anymore so if a child or dog opens the door I won't hear it, I also won't hear it if someone comes into my home. I am not happy with this it actually scares me, all my efforts into keeping toddlers and animals safe is now busted due to this change :( .....the sound itself doesn't bug me but the volume is the issue, I don't like the sound but I can get over that just PLEASE put it back to as it was. I don't understand why the need to fix what wasn't broken .....

Sorry I did the upgrade. Why bother giving the customer ringtone/notification choices if they can't change them, Apple A-holes

This is a show stopper for me, as I use the default notification for security and other brokerage notifications. If a way is not provided to change the default notification, I will seriously consider going back to an android phone after being on an iphone for over 10 years before. Android offers more customization features and does not FORCE users to use a specific notification sound. I will continue to search for a way to resolve this issue, and hope someone finds a resolution soon.

@APPLE The changes implemented as part of iOS 17 update to the default notification TONE & associated VIBRATION alerts ARE > > > A MAJOR PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY CONCERN !! < < <

Many applications developed and provided by third parties utilize the default iOS tone and vibration as part of their respective PUBLIC HEALTH & SAFETY solutions, platforms, application alerts and notifications.


This simply cannot be a difficult feature to release and will allow users to truly personalize notifications for each of the applications used on their phones. Some users may want audible tones, some may not, some may want vibration, some may not.

@APPLE Providing your CUSTOMERS with the option to uniquely customize their notification sounds/audio/tones and vibrations, for each respective application, should be the minimum benchmark standard, especially at this stage in the evolution of iPhone Operating Systems.

This issue is very concerning, especially for safety apps installed on your phone such as apps for your alarm system or cameras. I just submitted feedback to this:

Maybe with enough complaints, they will fix it.

I completely agree. You should be able to change the default tone used for notifications. Worst case, change it back to the tone used in prior versions.

iOS 17 beta 4 lets you change notification sounds and haptics.

I'm tring this out tonight after I upgrade to 17.2 through the Apple Software Beta program. Was about to buy a new Android phone after experiencing this issue a couple days ago. Apple may have saved the day.

guys, we did it. We make them. apple added an opportunity to set a sound for default alerts…..🤯🤯🤯🤯🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 thanks for everyone who left here comments about it.

Please fix this. Because of this, I purchased an Android tablet as a workaround! I am strongly considering replacing the iPhone 12 Pro Max with a Samsung product if this is not addressed soon! There is an issue with receiving urgent text messages from Google Voice and reminders that use this barely audible default tone. Background noise or sleeping near the phone results in important notifications being missed.

I have updated to 17.1.2 and it’s still not fixed

Totally agree the rebound is way too quiet. At work I’m missing notifications constantly. We need to be able to set our own sounds. Please change this

iOS 17 - default notification tone