5.5" iPhone Display Size Intersect iOS 17 = NULL Set

The new versions of my apps will have a minimum deployment target of iOS 17. So, why do I need to supply screenshots in App Store Connect for a 5.5" Display iPhone? There are no 5.5" Display iPhones which will support iOS 17.

Answered by SpaceMan in 766440022

I got an answer from Apple on this. I think I shouldn't have posted this to begin with.

Accepted Answer

I got an answer from Apple on this. I think I shouldn't have posted this to begin with.

Apple's answer is below this line.

Some screenshots are always required. Even though your app will not run on those devices, it will still be displayed and just say it is not downloadable on that device. Also, 5.5 screenshots are used for scaling up and down depending on the users device and what screenshots the developer has or has not provided. For a list of required screenshots, you can visit the link below:


5.5" iPhone Display Size Intersect iOS 17 = NULL Set