Confusion on how to show as expected developer name at bottom of app name

I have used one of my company's apple id which is organization type to publish an app for my client. My client also has apple id which is organization type. My role in client's apple id's team is App Manager.

Whenever I publish an app, it shows my company's name at bottom of the app name in app store. but my client wants there company's name as developer of the app.

For your kind information I have publish other two apps for my two clients. My role for their team is App Manager. But at bottom of their app name I found their company's name as developer. I follow the same process for publishing. but unfortunately every time in app store there appear my company's name as developer for this specific app.

Please help me by providing information about how I can successfully set my client's company name as a developer for this specific app. Also please tell me how can I see my client's apple id's developer name. I did not found this details anywhere when they share their access for their apple id.

sorry for bad English. Thanks in advance

Confusion on how to show as expected developer name at bottom of app name