Reloading data and rescheduling local notifications, based on AppIntent interaction in iOS 17 Widgets and Live Activities

Hi everyone, I have two questions regarding some issues with the new iOS 17 interactive widgets and live activities.

Question 1: How can I update other Widgets and/or Live Activities, based on an AppIntent interaction in either one?

I have several widgets that is displaying the same information, but in different sizes (Small, Medium, Large and Lockscreen). Most of our users are using many of them together on their Lockscreen and Home Screen. When they are interacting with the AppIntent button in either the Widget og LiveActivity it does not update and vice-versa.

Based on the documentation it's pretty clear that interacting with a Widget it will update the timeline for that specific widget after the .perform() in the AppIntent is returned. Unfortunately, I also need to update the LiveActivity and the other TimeLines for the rest of the widgets. I have tried to use the WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() but it seems like it does not update the LiveActivity or the LockScreen widgets correctly.

Question 2: How can I update and reschedule the local notifications based on the interaction in the Widget and Live Activity? The app sends a local notification whenever an activity starts or stops (e.g like a pomodoro timer with intervals). Let's assume the user have setup a 30 minute activity in the app, but now decides to pause the activity from either the widget or live activity. I then want to remove the scheduled local notification that was supposed to be fired in 30 minutes. I haven't been able to read from the documentation if this is possible, but would like to know if there is any way this can be performed.

Looking forward to hear if anyone have encountered the same challenges :)

I have same issue.

Reloading data and rescheduling local notifications, based on AppIntent interaction in iOS 17 Widgets and Live Activities