original widget white screen after app upgrade via TestFlight

I've been working on an app that has lock screen and home screen widgets supports. Now we are rewriting the whole app -- and in a brand new workspace -- but only porting the existing widget to the new workspace with minimum tweaking.

We've made sure all the app bundle ID & app group ID are matching between the old and new, for the app, widget and intents (can't use app intents as that's still beta for our 16.0 requirement).

Now we are start testing in TestFlight builds we are seeing the home screen widgets that was installed in the original app turns blank/white when the new app is installed. It still handle tapping to the app but nothing visual; configuration pane is "unable to load". When my coworker installed the production app back onto the device the data in User Defaults is loaded, so we know data is not lost.

There's almost nothing online talking about widget upgrades but one article, that basically says it cannot be done -- and suggested a workaround to deprecate the production widget. :/

Anyone has experience on major app upgrade affecting widget upgrade? if yes did you have a solution to handle it that you can share?


original widget white screen after app upgrade via TestFlight