The reported PLA 1.2 guideline issue is in regards to the seller and company names associated with your app not reflect the name “COMPANY NAME” in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.


Our Binary has been rejected by AppStore and we are unable to trace out the exact issue.

The follwing is the reason mentioned by App Review Team of Apple

The reported PLA 1.2 guideline issue is in regards to the seller and company names associated with your app not reflect the name “COMPANY NAME” in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

The reported PLA 1.2 guideline issue is in regards to the seller and company names associated with your app not reflect the name “COMPANY NAME” in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

It would be appropriate for your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the COMPANY NAME brand.

If you have developed these apps on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account.

Once created, you cannot change your seller name or company name in iTunes Connect. For assistance with changing your company name or seller name, you will need to contact iTunes Connect through the Contact Us page.

Once this issue is resolved, we can continue with the review. We look forward to your resubmission.

Thanks, it work for me. My application is ready for sale in Apple store.

I tried this solution, but not work

I also have the same problem and have appealed the Review Team but haven't get any clear response about that 1.2 point. I thougt it has to be with web-shops embedded in web views, but I couldn't confirm it as there is no a regular pattern of rejection.

I did this. But still the same issue. Can anyone else help? Thanks

I am having the exact same issue all of a sudden. I have 125 apps in the apple store on behalf of small businesses and despite changing stuff around its still rejected.

How Apple can be convenced that my organization "XYZ" own the copyright of my app "ABC"?

Is it only by mention in the Copyrightbox "XYZ 2017"?

Is this going to solve the rejection?

Hello guys, how you doing?

Do you have any news on this case?

I tried to put a letter signed by our client but still no luck.

Best regards

All people have this trouble ...

i think apple are crazy!

i will quit apple developer i will go only to google

because apple are bad!!!

''PLA 1.2'' ???????

thanks for the info. I'm having the same problem. Do you have any concrete suggestions to fixing this problem. It just happened to me and I was just fixing a bug in an already released app. I'm an individual developer and developing my own apps. the link in the Apple rejection notice points to the wrong explanation!! I filed an appeal - just that I'd like some guidance on how to resolve this. Maddening!!! Any tangible insight is most appreciated. thanks

I Have the exact same issue, We have a dev Company, thus we can not create separate account for each of my client apps.

please can enyone help?

Forum admins? apple dev team ?

Exactly the same for me. I filed another appeal asking them to please be specific about what I need to do to fix this.


I've been pouring through this and I don't see where to fix this. I own all of the content and I've even put the app name along with my company name in the copyright box. still rejected with the same cryptic response.

My company name is xyz and my app is 1243. I have several apps on the app store with different names. I cannot believe that Apple wants you to have a separate company name for each product!!?????

I have been trying to get a clarification, but everytime I ask Apple for advise, I get the same boilerplate answer without any tangible advise.

I have one developer account and multiple apps for sale with different names. This has worked fine for over four years.

Is Apple actually suggesting that you now need a separate developer account with a name matching the app name??? I hope not, and I can't imagine that they would do that. Not only would it be cost prohibitive for small developer, but it would be very difficult to manage.

Apple, if you are listening, please give us some reasonable guidance.

Thank you.

I have the same issue. My developer individual account is under my name Anderson Murakami and my App is named "Loucos por Ofertas" .

Why the app name is reflect in my developer name ?

I created, the name, the logo, the app and heve no any App with the same name on App Store.

I have tried Loucos por Ofertas by Anderson Murakami in app name, but is not accepted too.

Anybody have a suggests ?

At this stage, I don't know why Apple is so hesitant or incapable to provide any answers. Apple are you listening? When I ask for clarification, all I receive is the same boilerplate response directing me to the same unhelpful section of documentation. It's been two weeks now and I cannot get my app approved and it used to be approved.

This is crazy.

Apple please help. You are going to drive me to Android. I don't know if that's any better, but I'm dead in the water here with no help from Apple.

Maddening and I think arrogant.

We have encountered the same issue, we now have to set up a developer account for every new client! We should be able to provide a letter of consent from the client to allow us to use the name, logo and URL's of the client which is sufficient for google play, why not apple.

This is a massive change and will trun many off developping apps.

Let me know if you have anyway around this or have heard any news about what might happen.

Same problem here! We can't set up a developer account for every new client! And, more important, we can't give control of our apps to the client because of commercial reasons! What happens if the client does not pay? How can we remove the app from AppStore if the client does not pay?

APPLE: we should be able to provide a letter of consent from the client! Our clients are seriously considering to migrate to other platforms!

I tell you my story.

Updating my application innocently change where it appears company name, my account is developer not company, since that change was a week of struggle to publish the update.

what happened? Began to jump that rejection, apparently if you have a own account developer, you can publish applications but if the idea is yours and does not belong to any brand or company. If your idea belongs to a brand you must have the permission and / or that company registered in apple.


1- Add all the information in the metadata before sending for review, if you answer, apple answers 1 of 10 and does not solve anything. Directly prepare it for review again by adding what you requested in the resolution center.

2- the name: if the name of your app looks like the one of another registered, they can reject the binary, search well in which app store is the problem, in my case it was in English (USA), that error is The one that mentions the problem of brand.

3- My application is about a free service. But an item in my application made them think that it was a business, I had to change the item (in this case apple sent me a capture) this is the error that says that you have to be registered as a business.

4- Have patience is a round trip until they convince themselves that you are not making this application on behalf of another company.

In the course of the week I skipped all the rejection below but have a solution you just add in the metadata what you are asked and expect them to be convinced. Once you get into that wheel you have to convince the guys. there is no other solution.

Well I hope that little data helps you. regards

From a developement perspective, I would like highlight the issues with "PLA 1.2":

Apparantly it says that the "The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the app name". A lot of businesses are registered as "Sole Trader". So according to Apple Developer Program, the client has to be enrolled for Personal Account.


Quoting from Apple Website (

Enrolling as an Individual

If you are an individual or SOLE PROPRIETOR/SINGLE PERSON BUSINESS, sign in with your Apple ID to get started. You’ll need to provide basic personal information, including your legal name and address.


So if the owner of the business is enrolled as an Apple Developer (Personal Account), then he has to do the following:

- Create Signing Certificate using a public/private key-pair

- Create Provisioning Profiles

- Create Push notification entitlements

- Create AppStore listing in iTunes Connect

- Submit the app for review

- And many more (as you know)

As you know creating these certificates and provisioning profiles are not easy even for an experienced developer. So most of it is done by XCode, but the small business owner doesn't know XCode or even simple programming. Even if we were to teach him, he may not have a Mac (as XCode only runs on Mac), so he might have to invest in a Mac as well. Even if he were to do all this, we are afraid that it might take months for someone without any programming background to learn the essential basics of IOS development.

Please Apple, make changes to PLA 1.2, such that chefs/hairdressers/lawyers etc are not forced to enroll for Apple Developer Account. Now-a-days a lot depends on having an app especially for small businesses. Please consider this letter to represent the voices of 1000s of small-businesses out there, who are eager to get their businesses on the AppStore. Please make it easy for them to have their own app.

If AppStore starts rejecting app on this basis, then gaints like Uber and JustEat will have their apps listed for sure, but small-businesses will not stand a chance against them.

Published an update for an App 2 monthes ago.

It has been rejected many times for different reasons. One of those was PLA 1.2.

After a long e-mail conversation, one day Apple phoned me and start a conversation to explain the reasons of the App rejection.

Here is what they told me (and then wrote me on my Apple Developer Account discussion) about PLA 1.2:

"To be in compliance, unique apps developed for individual pharmacies..." (the rejected App was for a pharmacy but i think it can be read as "client") "...would need to be submitted under a seller name and company name that reflects the individual pharmacy."

because of this tipical crypting way to explain their reasons, I asked for more clearness. Here is what they answered:

"To clarify, unique apps developed for individual pharmacies will need to be submitted under a seller name and company name that reflects the individual pharmacy as required by App Store Review Program License Agreement PLA 1.2."

So, finally, I think that with the new PLA 1.2, if a Developer Agency wants to publish an App on behalf of a client, a new Apple Developer Account is needed.

This has been my experience. After months of fighting Apple their response is consistent, although a bit biased. Yes, if you are a dev company you will need to setup new accounts for you clients. That part of their answer was consistent regardless of the fact we have distribution agreements with our clients. The biased part of this is that it appears that only a couple divisions of the app store apps are having this rule enforced. Medical (our industry) is one of those areas (or, so they said in a phone call).

We ran into the same issue. Basically it's a trademark issue. I'm not arguing if it's right or wrong. But the solution:

  1. Either you have to list in the developer account of your customer.
  2. Or legally acquire the trademark and brand name of your customer (may be limited for the purpose of AppStore/PlayStore/Digital Marketing)

I know point 2 sounds a bit off. I agree it is.

Let's take an example:

Developer: FooBar Software
App: No1 Pharma

In AppStore listing, the seller of the app is the developer. So from the user point of view, if you look at the listing on AppStore, it would say the app "No1 Pharma" is being sold by "FooBar Software". This doesn't sound right.

Another case:

The publishing rights of Harry Potter Books (acc. to wiki) is owned by Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) and Scholastic (US)

Developer: Bloomsbury Publishing
App: Harry Potter

This will sound right, in spite of the fact that the seller name and app name did not match. The listing would read "Bloomsbury Publishing" is the seller of the app "Harry Potter". This sounds right. So Bloomsbury can publish all the trademarks/brands it owns as different apps in it's developer account.

Perhaps AppStore might choose to differentiate the developers from sellers. Because developers are not sellers. That's the reality.

Let's say IBM develops the "Harry Potter" app for "Bloomsbury", then the listing should read:

Developer: IBM
Seller: Bloomsbury
App: Harry Potter

Hope this helps.

>Perhaps AppStore might choose to differentiate the developers from sellers. Because developers are not sellers. That's the reality.

The reality is that as long as the dev can evidence rights to sell, differentiation plays no role. Since day one, the dev agreement has stated that should apple ask for proof of rights to use any of the app's content, the dev should be prepared to show it. Apple only needs to apply the existing agreement, not come up with additional qualifiers, which typically open more holes than they close.

As always, bad actors in the store have now apparently forced Apple's hand. They deserve the credit for this latest enforcement and any ire from devs otherwise playing by the rules that may unfortunately feel the same heat.

Just for information, I solved this issue only by changing the Copyright.

- The App name is : "Pharmacie Gal"

- Dev account : Jerome Nguyen

- Copyright was : 2016

I changed the copyright to "2017 Pharmacie GAL, Jerome Nguyen (Development)" and it passed.

Good luck guys.

The reported PLA 1.2 guideline issue is in regards to the seller and company names associated with your app not reflect the name “COMPANY NAME” in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.