How do I disable wireless debugging in Xcode 15?

I have connected my iPad running iPadOS 17 to Xcode 15 via a Thunderbolt cable (the same connection I have used with Xcode 14 and earlier), and debugging has become a nightmare.

It's been stuck on the "Copying shared symbols from iPad" step for a long time, and I can't even get my iPhone to work with the wireless debugging (it always fails).

It appears to be using wireless debugging to connect, despite the physical cable between the devices. The "Connect via network" option is enabled in the Organisation window, but is greyed out so it cannot be modified.

How can I disable wireless debugging and return to the standard method using the high speed cable that connects the devices?

I'm hoping this is a bug that will be fixed shortly, and not the new method for connectivity when debugging.


Finally finished. However, I'm finding that triggering breakpoints and stepping through breakpoints is taking 2-3 seconds per breakpoint. Which is insane.

See this thread. It’s not necessarily an answer, but it has a bunch of important backstory.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Get an Application Firewall such as LuLu [1] and disable all connections for Xcode.


Encountered the same problem, xcode15 link real machine debugging is very very very slow, trigger breakpoint takes 2-3 seconds, I have been crazy

same here. I never noticed that it was stuck on wireless debugging and wondered why it'd take a minute to start the damned thing, or 3 or 4 seconds per step in the debugger.

My "solution" was to simply restart the iPhone while connected. I have to do that from time to time but I gladly spend 1 minute every couple of hours instead of losing the 15 minutes or more per hour just waiting....and w a i t i n g.......

We have a VoIP applications. Testing of network change (WiFi <-> 5G) during a voip call is a NIGHTMARE!!!! How Apple hates us ...

How do I disable wireless debugging in Xcode 15?