iOS 17.1 Beta 2 - Bluetooth audio levels not reaching max - iPhone 15 Pro

On iOS 17.0.2 my bluetooth devices (CarPlay and earbuds) were performing at normal levels with all sound settings at default. In the gym, I like to max out my bluetooth earbuds.

However, after updating to iOS 17.1 Beta 2 (21B5056e), my bluetooth earbuds set at max volume sounded medium. My first troubleshooting method was to check the sound settings... all setting (including accessibility) were left at the default inputs. To further troubleshoot, I tried other downloaded albums on my music library/playlists...all noticeably lower at max volume.

I was thinking this might be related to my earbuds. However, when driving, I decided to play the same album in my 2021 GMC Sierra via CarPlay... I had to turn up the dash knob audio substantially higher to replicate what was considered loud (or rather "comfortably loud") in my truck.

Apple tech supports only recommendation was to do a system restore and roll back to 17.0.2.

Has anyone else tested music quality/sound over bluetooth before and after they updated from 17.0.2. to 17.1 Beta 1/2 ?

I am also seeing this same issue. After the 17.1 update, the volume in my vehicle (over bluetooth) has dropped prob 40%. Can not get the volume to the level i enjoy.

I'm having the same issue with the official 17.1 version (not the beta one), and the issue was not fixed in the 17.1.1 version unfortunately... it's really annoying

iOS 17.1 Beta 2 - Bluetooth audio levels not reaching max - iPhone 15 Pro