Can't change Ready for Review status


I have a published app and a new version ready for release. However, I am unable to change my app's status; it remains "Ready for Review." Additionally, I cannot find the Submit button to send my app for review. I have made modifications to the app form, but despite being able to save the content, the submit button does not appear. Could someone please assist me with this issue?


Click on "App Review" on the left side and then you'll be able to submit your app for review.

@leoamato Did you find a solution. I'm having the same issue.

The App it's stuck in "Ready for Review" status but under App Review submissions is in "Waiting for review" status. Looks like something went wrong and now it's in an invalid state.

I am stuck with the exact same issue :( any updates for you guys? did you get unstuck?

Can't change Ready for Review status