Notarytool stuck at "In Progress"

I've been trying to notarize an installer (.pkg file) on a new laptop. Previous versions have been notarized successfully on a previous Mac.

However, in spite of having the required certificates (same as the old Mac, generated for the new Mac) the submission gets stuck at "In Progress".

Doing it multiple times (even hours apart) doesn't help.

Is there a FAQ / suggested list of steps to help resolve this issue?

Here's what I see:

xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile "(my profile name)" results in (problem started with v4, the first version I've tried on this new Mac):

createdDate: 2023-10-17T01:34:36.911Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2023-10-17T01:33:59.191Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2023-10-16T21:01:25.832Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2023-10-16T19:57:44.776Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v4.pkg
status: In Progress
createdDate: 2023-10-02T14:17:34.108Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v3.pkg
status: Accepted
createdDate: 2023-09-28T14:04:46.211Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v2.pkg
status: Accepted
createdDate: 2023-09-20T17:28:46.168Z
id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
name: xxxxxxxxxx-v1.pkg
status: Accepted

xcrun notarytool log xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --keychain-profile "(my profile name)" results in:

Submission log is not yet available or submissionId does not exist
  id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Answered by DTS Engineer in 782469022

Earlier I wrote:

Getting info about this into the official docs is on my to-do list, but it’s a long to-do list )-:

While I can’t claim any credit for this (this work never did make it to the front of my to-do list)-: Apple just published Q&A with the Mac notary service team that offers a bunch of hints and tips on how best to interact with the notary service. The “additional analysis” discussed in that Q&A is what we’ve been talking about on this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

There’s been a recent spate of issues where notary requests get stuck in progress for a long time. This seems to primary affect folks who are notarising for the first time, but I’ve also seen it affect other folks. The first thing to do here is to wait. The blockage usually clears itself in a day or two. And once it’s clear, my experience is that new requests run quickly again.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hmm OK, appreciate the response.

I see you're an Apple representative, do you know why this happens and what Apple's doing to fix it? I found a few different posts about this issue but only found this same response in those places too. Less than ideal given the Apple developer program is paid, and this issue is interrupting deployment by days.

Have your notarisations now gone through?

I see you're an Apple representative

Right. And while DevForums is not an official support channel, I have to assume that folks reading my responses consider them to be ‘coming from Apple’. Which means that, in some situations, I have to be a little circumspect. And this is one of those situations.

Getting info about this into the official docs is on my to-do list, but it’s a long to-do list )-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Have your notarisations now gone through?


@suhail_ any luck with this? Am trying to get CI up and running and keep getting stopped at the notarization step. seen quite a few others with the same problem. Really weird how no one seems to know why.

Any updates here? I am also having issues with notarytool taking too long. I have been waiting over 12 hours.

xcrun notarytool submit Cadenza-1.2.0.pkg --apple-id ********** --password *********** --team-id ******* --wait
Conducting pre-submission checks for Cadenza-1.2.0.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service...
Submission ID received
  id: 3a852a32-8700-4c37-b79a-6b8654ea82a8
Upload progress: 100.00% (9.84 MB of 9.84 MB)
Successfully uploaded file
  id: 3a852a32-8700-4c37-b79a-6b8654ea82a8
  path: Cadenza-1.2.0.pkg
Waiting for processing to complete.
Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress.........................................................................................................................................................................Current status: In Progress..

My notarytool history command is still showing in progress:

$ xcrun notarytool history --keychain-profile "MyNotaryProfile"
Successfully received submission history.
    createdDate: 2024-02-19T04:02:23.697Z
    id: 3a852a32-8700-4c37-b79a-6b8654ea82a8
    name: Cadenza-1.2.0.pkg
    status: In Progress

This tool should at least be giving us some feedback about why this could be happening, but there is zero information to learn from this output.

UPDATE: I got it to work. I simply submitted a few hours later and it was accepted in seconds. Probably was some issue on Apple's end.

This is TRULY aggravating. The several different apps we've submitted via Notarytool for the past 36 hours are all stuck "In Progress". The most recent one is a test app that's just 2.7 MB in size.

    createdDate: 2024-02-28T14:34:27.130Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-27T16:51:40.287Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-27T16:41:12.532Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-27T16:33:43.991Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-27T16:12:52.728Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-27T13:42:42.377Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-26T23:21:11.236Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    status: In Progress
    createdDate: 2024-02-26T21:35:51.813Z
    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.dmg
    status: Accepted

This is likely the issue I mentioned above.

The most recent one is a test app that's just 2.7 MB in size.

Right. The binary size is not a factor in this case.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Thank you for the reply Quinn. It's been over 2 1/2 days now, and we're still stuck at "In Progress".

I'm thinking I'll wait a few more hours to see if it clears up, and then file a support incident if it doesn't ¯_(ツ)_/¯

We're at 9 days and counting, with every zip or dmg sent to notarytool being stuck "In Progress". This must be some kind of record.

I went so far as to create a second paid Developer Account just to be able to notarize apps, while our main Dev account gets fixed. Nope. Those apps are all stuck "In Progress" also...

We've notarized literally dozens and dozens of apps since mid-2022 using both altool and notarytool. Sometimes it takes a while (20-30 minutes). But we've never had a problem anywhere near this bad.

I did finally get a reply from Dev Support late yesterday. I sent them all the info I could think of. But unfortunately it's been crickets ever since.

Just FYI in case anyone was wondering.

We're at 9 days and counting

Hmmm. That strongly suggests that you’re not experiencing the standard delay that I’m familiar with.

I did finally get a reply from Dev Support late yesterday.


But unfortunately it's been crickets ever since.

Well, let’s give ’em more than a day, shall we?

You should have got a case number from DevPrograms. Please send that to me via email (my address is in my signature). Make sure to reference this thread, because I get a lot of email |-:

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Earlier I wrote:

Getting info about this into the official docs is on my to-do list, but it’s a long to-do list )-:

While I can’t claim any credit for this (this work never did make it to the front of my to-do list)-: Apple just published Q&A with the Mac notary service team that offers a bunch of hints and tips on how best to interact with the notary service. The “additional analysis” discussed in that Q&A is what we’ve been talking about on this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to post an Update:

On 3/7, we checked the Notarization history on our Primary dev account. We noticed that all the apps we had submitted for Notarization over the previous 10 days had been changed from “In Progress” and were now all marked as “Rejected”.

Since we hadn’t heard any official word from DTS, we decided to wait before trying anything. On 3/8, we still hadn’t received any news from DTS. But we decided to “risk it” and submitted an app for Notarization. It worked! We tried a few more submits, and everything went through just fine.

As of this morning (3/12), we still haven’t heard anything official from DTS. But Notarization seems to be working for both our Primary account, as well as the Secondary dev account we created last week. So… I guess it’s all good now…? :)

Quinn, I don't know if you were able able to do any "prodding" behind the scenes, but thanks (as always) for your help and expert advice here on the forums:)

Any updates/solutions on this issue? Or is it just a waiting game right now?

I seem to have stumbled onto the same when trying to notarise a Tauri app (I just bought a developer license to deploy a project over the weekend). Since I'm not using CI and I'm just running a build from my laptop, I'm not sure I can maintain a connection to the notary service for several days... Jobs which failed due to internet disconnecting still appear as 'In Progress' in my xcrun notarytool history output.

I had the same issue. Sending the first file took more than a day.

The solution was to contact developers' support and ask them to help me with it, and then like a miracle things started to work.

It seems like someone needs to approve you manually.

Notarytool stuck at "In Progress"